
The VU Senate elections held at the VU Life Sciences Centre on 16-17 May saw the election of 3 members of the Senate, who received the required number of votes from more than 50% of the voters who took part in the elections. On 23 and 24 May, a by-election will take place to elect the fourth LSC representative to the Senate.

For the second consecutive year, the devil's tongue (aka voodoo lily) plant (Amorphophallus konjac) decided“ to delight the LSC community with its extraordinary blossom. The intense smell of rotting meat is almost gone, but in the next few days, the unusual appearance of this plant can be enjoyed in the resting area of the 4th floor near office V429.

'Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics' UAB in cooperation with Vilnius University invites prospective 1-year masters students from VU Life Sciences Center, Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics to prepare Master final thesis at the Company.

The ARQUS AL7 International Forum on ‘Diversity, interdisciplinarity and social challenges‘ took place at the University of Granada, Spain, from 2-6 May. More than 40 students from the Universities of Vilnius, Bergen, Granada, Gratz, Leipzig, Lyon and Padua participated.

The new Director of the Life Sciences Centre of Vilnius University, Prof. Daumantas Matulis, started his work today. Prof. Gintaras Valinčius, the former Director of the VU GMC, handed over the keys of his office to the new Director on Friday.

Vilnius University Life Sciences Centre (VU LSC) launches its Endowment Sub-Fund and invites the public, partners and friends of the Centre and the Alumni community to contribute to the training of the next generation of life science professionals by making an online donation. →

Selection Committee for the Nominal Scholarship of VU Life Sciences Center has awarded bachelor, master and PhD students nominal sholarships.

The ARQUS AL7 student-led forum took place at the University of Padua, Italy on 3-4 April. VU LSC students presented together with more than 40 other students from Vilnius, Bergen, Granada, Graz, Leipzig, Lyon and Padua Universities.

The Central Electoral Commission informs that new elections to the Senate of Vilnius University have started.
In accordance with the Regulations for the Election of the Members of the Senate of Vilnius University (wording of the Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SPN-4 of 22 February 2022), the Senate of Vilnius University (hereinafter referred to as the Senate) will be composed of 46 members for the new term of office. All members of the new Senate will be elected by the academic units of the new Senate on the basis of the lists of candidates nominated by these academic units:

Two PhD students of Vilnius University have been awarded for internationally recognised outstanding results of their scientific activity the scholarship named after Prof. Virginijus Šikšnys, one of the pioneers of CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology in the world and a biochemist. The scholarship provided by the City of Vilnius amounts to EUR 10 000. It is hoped that it will stimulate the research of young scientists in the field of life sciences and enable them to apply their discoveries for the benefit of people and the environment.

March 21, 2022 The Life Sciences Center contributed to the Red Cross (RC)  and provides facilities and volunteer assistance for the collection of humanitarian aid. Hygiene equipment will be collected at the Humanitarian Aid Collection Center, which will be set up at the Life Sciences Center.

Opening hours of the humanitarian aid collection point: I - V from 3 pm to 7 pm

Place of collection: VU LSC ramp,  7 Saulėtekio Ave, Vilnius

More relevant information

The Council of Vilnius University Life Sciences Center has elected Prof. Dr Daumantas Matulis as the new Director of the Centre.

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