Incentive Scholarships
Scholarships are awarded to the best-performing state-funded students twice a year: in the autumn (August–January) and spring (February–July) semesters. Scholarships are given to the final year students in the spring semester from February to June.
Scholarships are not given to students studying in the first semester of the first and second cycles and integrated studies, as well as to students with academic debts.
The best students are selected every semester in each study programme and course separately according to the study results, guided by the ranking criteria.
Scholarships of two sizes are awarded for educational results: 1.5 BSB (€57)(BSB – Basic Social Benefit) and 2.5 BSB (€95). 30% is allocated to scholarships of 2.5 BSB while 70 percent of funds in the incentive scholarship fund, for scholarships of 1.5 BSB.
According to the decision of the five-member commission formed by the head of the academic unit, which includes two members of the Student Representation of that unit, incentive scholarships can be redistributed in the same study cycle between programmes (branches) within 20% of the limits of the incentive scholarship fund for the course.
The recommended scholarship transfer time is the 27th day of the current month. This term applies to all types of scholarships.
VU LSC Nominal Scholarships
- How to apply
- Scholarships awarded in 2024–2025
- Scholarships awarded in 2023–2024
- Scholarships awarded in 2022–2023
- Scholarships awarded in 2021–2022
How to apply
LSC Nominal Scholarship Competition for the Spring Semester 2024–2025:
- Applications are accepted from the 13th of March until the 11th of April by email
Copies or links to articles, conference reports, and documents proving achievements in studies, scientific or social activities must be included in the application. - The Committee will consider applications for the Nominal Scholarship from the 15th until the 18th of April.
- The nominal scholarship holders' announcement will occur on the 18th of April.
VU LSC Nominal Scholarships are awarded for outstanding academic and scientific achievements, active research, and volunteer work in the promotion of the life sciences, and general awareness of scientific achievements in the fields of biomedicine, technology, and physics.
Who can apply:
- 1st, 2nd, and 3rd cycle students.
- Candidacy can be submitted by:
- the director and deputy directors of VU LSC, heads of institutes and study programmes,
- by a student himself/herself.
How to apply:
Call for applications is issued twice a year; the deadlines are 31 March and 31 October, unless otherwise noted. Information about the competition is announced on this webpage.
The following papers have to be submitted before 31 March / 31 October to the VU LSC Studies Department:
- proof of his/her achievements (in studies, scientific field and promotion work). Please note, you should submit only those achievements for which you have never been awarded the scholarship before
Other terms:
- The number and the amount of the scholarships varies every year, it depends on the VU LSC budget and financial possibilities.
- The final decision on students that receive scholarships are made by the Selection Committee of 5 members, one of whom is a representative of the Students Representation.
- The Committee makes a decision by 30 April / 30 November unless otherwise noted. The scholarship is awarded by the VU Rector.
- When making the decision, only achievements gained during the last 24 months are taken into account.
Scholarships awarded in 2024–2025
By the decision of the Committee for the Nominal Scholarship of the Life Sciences Center made on 21 October2024, for the excellent scientific results, active research, science popularizing, and organizational activities the Nominal Scholarship of the LSC in the Autumn semester was awarded:
to the following bachelor and master students::
Patricija Čepauskytė (Bachelor student of Molecular biology);
Marija Duchovskytė (Master student of Biochemistry);
Goda Glebavičiūtė (Bachelor student of Molecular biotechnology);
Laurynas Orla (Master student of Biodiversity);
Emilė Pečiukaitytė (Master student of Biophysics);
Gelminė Vansevičiūtė (Master student of Genetics)
to the following PhD students:
Eimina Dirvelytė (PhD student of Biochemistry);
Erik Ilkevič (PhD student of Biophysics);
Mohammad Nour Alsamsam (PhD student of Biophysics);
Kristina Mašalaitė (PhD student of Biochemistry);
Gediminas Plakys (PhD student of Chemical Engineering);
Artūras Polita (PhD student of Biophysics);
Justina Žvirblytė (PhD student of Biochemistry)
Committee for the Nominal Scholarship:
Dr. Ingrida Prigodina Lukošienė
Doc. Dr. Julija Armalytė
Dr. Algirdas Toleikis
Dr. Giedrė Valiulienė
PhD Student Justinas Kavoliūnas
Scholarships awarded in 2023–2024
By the decision of the Committee for the Nominal Scholarship of the Life Sciences Center made on 26 April 2023, for the excellent scientific results, active research, science popularizing, and organizational activities the Nominal Scholarship of the LSC in the Spring semester was awarded:
to the following bachelor and master students::
Ramojus Balevičius (Master student of Microbiology)
Andrius Buivydas (Master student of Biochemistry)
Brigita Duchovska (Master student of Biochemistry)
Antanas Padaiga (Master student of Molecular biology)
Viktorija Rainytė (Bachelor student of Molecular biology)
Rokas Zalūba (Bachelor student of Biology)
to the following PhD students:
Aurimas Mockevičius (PhD student of Biophysics)
Edita Paulikaitė (PhD student of Biology)
Džiugas Sabonis (PhD student of Biochemistry)
Laurita Klimkaitė (PhD student of Biochemistry)
Kamilei Mikalauskaitė (PhD student of Chemical Engineering)
Viktorija Preitakaitė (PhD student of Biochemistry)
Murat Huseyin Uncal (PhD student of Ecology and Environmental Sciences)
Committee for the Nominal Scholarship:
Dr Aurelijus Burokas
Dr Inga Griškova-Bulanova
Dr Milda Mickutė
Dr Ingrida Prigodina Lukošienė
PhD student Vėjūnė Pukenytė
By the decision of the Committee for the Nominal Scholarship of the Life Sciences Center made on 9 November 2023, for the excellent scientific results, active research, science popularizing, and organizational activities the Nominal Scholarship of the LSC in the Autumn semester was awarded:
to the following bachelor and master students::
Martynas Bagdonas (Master student of Biophysics)
Paulina Bialaglovytė (Master student of Molecular biology)
Paulina Kazlauskaitė (Bachelor student of Genetics)
Konstanty Keda (Master student of Biochemistry)
Gintarė Laskevičiūtė (Bbachelor student of Microbiology)
Laurynas Vaškevičius (Master student of Molecular biotechnology)
to the following PhD students:
Eimina Dirvelytė (1st year PhD student of Biochemistry, IBS-EMBL)
Lukas Krasauskas (1st year PhD student of Biochemistry, IBT)
Artūras Polita (2nd year PhD student of Biophysics, IBCh)
Martyna Koplūnaitė (4th year PhD student of Biochemistry, IBCh)
Giedrė Skliutė (3rd year PhD student of Biochemistry, IBCh)
Ashwinipriyadarshini Megur (3rd year PhD student of Biochemistry, IBCh)
Kristina Žukauskaitė (3rd year PhD student of Biology, IBS)
Committee for the Nominal Scholarship:
Dr Ingrida Prigodina Lukošienė
Dr Aurelijus Burokas
Dr Inga Griškova-Bulanova
Dr Milda Mickutė
PhD student Vėjūnė Pukenytė
Scholarships awarded in 2022–2023
By the decision of the Committee for the Nominal Scholarship of the Life Sciences Center made on 6 April 2023, for the excellent scientific results, active research, science popularizing, and organizational activities the Nominal Scholarship of the LSC in the Spring semester was awarded:
to the following bachelor and master students:
Rokas Bertašius (bachelor student of Neurobiophysics)
Aurimas Greičius (bachelor student of Molecular Biotechnology)
Ugnė Kisieliūtė (bachelor student of Molecular Biology)
Lukas Krasauskas (master student of Molecular Biotechnology)
Elžbieta Ragauskaitė (bachelor student of Neurobiophysics)
Adomas Smalskis (bachelor student of Molecular Biology)
to the following PhD students:
Laurita Klimkaitė (3rd year PhD student of Biochemistry)
Kamilė Mikalauskaitė (2nd year PhD student of Chemical Engineering)
Marijus Plečkaitis (3rd year PhD student of Biophysics)
Andrius Sakalauskas (4th year PhD student of Chemical Engineering)
Roberta Statkevičiūtė (2nd year PhD student of Biochemistry)
Gintarė Urbonaitė (4th year PhD student of Biology)
Ieva Vaicekauskaitė (2nd year PhD student of Biology).
Dr Urtė Neniškytė did not participate in the evaluation of the applications due to a possible conflict of interest
Committee for the Nominal Scholarship:
Dr Urtė Neniškytė
Dr Vytautas Petrauskas
Dr Ingrida Prigodina Lukošienė
Dr Aistė Zentelytė
PhD student Kotryna Čekuolytė
By the decision of the Committee for the Nominal Scholarship of the Life Sciences Center made on 10 November 2022, for the excellent scientific results, active research, science popularizing, and organizational activities the Nominal Scholarship of the LSC in the autumn semester was awarded:
to the following bachelor and master students:
Kornelija Buivydaitė (bachelor student of Neurobiophysics)
Anita Elizabeth Clarke (master student of Biodiversity)
Brigita Duchovska (bachelor student of Genetics)
Edvinas Jurgelaitis (master student of Microbiology)
Džiugas Jurgutis (master student of Biophysics)
Eglė Vičiuvienė (master student of Biodiversity)
to the following PhD students (Dr Urtė Neniškytė did not participate in the evaluation of the applications of 3rd and 4th year doctoral students due to a possible conflict of interest):
Aurimas Kopūstas (2nd year PhD student of Biochemistry)
Kristina Mašalaitė (2nd year PhD student of Biochemistry)
Ieva Pocevičiūtė (2nd year PhD student of Biology)
Miglė Kalvaitytė (3rd year PhD student of Biology)
Ugnė Kuliešiūtė (4th year PhD student of Biochemistry)
Greta Labutytė (3rd year PhD student of Biochemistry)
Vilmantas Pupkis (4th year PhD student of Biophysics)
Committee for the Nominal Scholarship:
Dr Urtė Neniškytė
Dr Vytautas Petrauskas
Dr Ingrida Prigodina Lukošienė
Dr Aistė Zentelytė
PhD Student Kotryna Čekuolytė
Scholarships awarded in 2021–2022
By the decision of the Committee for the Nominal Scholarship on 7 April 2022 for the excellent scientific results, active scientific, science popularizing and organizational activities the Nominal Scholarship of the LSC in the spring semester was awarded:
to the following bachelor and master students:
Bernadetai Aleksandravičiūtei (bachelor student of Molecular Biology),
Martynui Bagdonui (bachelor student of Neurobiophysics),
Gintarei Dalmantaitei (bachelor student of Neurobiophysics),
Laurai Kiaušaitei (master student of Biochemistry),
Evelinai Prosevičiūtei (bachelor student of Neurobiophysics),
Guodai Taraškevičiūtei (bachelor student of Neurobiophysics),
to the following PhD students:
Gyčiui Druteikai (1st year PhD student of Biochemistry)
Linai Galinskaitei (3rd year PhD student of Ecology)
Gretai Jarockytei (4th year PhD student of Biophysics)
Andriui Sakalauskui (3rd year PhD student of Chemical Engineering )
Giedrei Skliutei (1st year PhD student of Biochemistry)
Evelinai Voronovič (3rd year PhD student of Biophysics)
Emilijai Vasiliūnaitei (2nd year PhD student of Biochemistry)
By the decision of the Committee for the Nominal Scholarship on 4 November 2021 for the excellent scientific results, active scientific, science popularizing and organizational activities the Nominal Scholarship of the LSC in the autumn semester was awarded:
to the following bachelor and master students:
Konstanty Keda (bachelor student of Molecular Biology)
Augustinui Želviui (bachelor student of Molecular Biology)
Austėjai Balevičiūtei (master student of Molecular Biology)
Džiugui Jurgučiui (master student of Molecular Biophysics)
Lukui Krasauskui (master student of Molecular Biotechnology)
Ramintai Mineikaitei (master student of Molecular Biology)
to the following PhD students:
Kamilei Mikalauskaitei (1st year PhD student of Chemical Engineering)
Emilijai Žukauskienei (2nd year PhD student of Biochemistry)
Jonui Juozapaičiui (3rd year PhD student of Biochemistry)
Monikai Šimoliūnienei (4th year PhD student of Biochemistry)
Mantui Žiauniui (4th year PhD student of Chemical Engineering)
Committee for the Nominal Scholarship:
Dr Ingrida Prigodina Lukošienė
Dr Miglė Tomkuvienė
Dr, Ass. prof. Renata Gudiukaitė
Dr Simona Povilonienė
Student Justė Žilionytė
Nominal Scholarships of the Presidents of the Republic of Lithuania
The Ministry of Education and Science and Sports informs that in the 2023–2024 study year, the most talented students of the University will be able to receive the nominal scholarships of the Presidents of the Republic of Lithuania Antanas Smetona, Kazys Grinius, Aleksandras Stulginskis, Jonas Žemaitis, Algirdas Brazauskas as annually.
We invite you to submit candidates for the nominal scholarships of the Presidents of the Republic of Lithuania Antanas Smetona, Kazys Grinius, Aleksandras Stulginskis, Jonas Žemaitis and Algirdas Brazauskas to the Study Administration Department of the LSC by 17 April this year.
The Ministry will award scholarships of 275 EUR per month to students of bachelor's 3–4 year programmes, and scholarships of 385 EUR per month for students of master's 2nd year programmes.
- The scholarship named after President K. Grinius is awarded to students of biomedical sciences (groups of life sciences (D) and health sciences (G) fields).
- The scholarship named after President A. Stulginskis is awarded to students of groups of the fields of physical sciences (physical sciences (C), information science (B), mathematical sciences (A).
- The scholarship named after President J. Žemaitis is awarded to students of technological sciences (groups of technological sciences (F) and engineering sciences (E) fields).
Candidates have to be students of the future (2024–2025)) 3–4 year bachelor programme, and students of the future 2nd year master programme. Students applying for a scholarship will have to submit a completed free-form application for a scholarship until 17 April and submit copies of scientific works, reports and a completed application form for the candidate for nominal scholarships of the Presidents of the Republic of Lithuania, study results, scientific activities to the stem academic unit in the Vilnius University Study Information System.
Please, submit the following documents by email: :
- Student's application for a nominal scholarship;
- Copies of scientific works, reports;
- The student's completed application form for candidates for receiving nominal scholarships of Presidents of the Republic of Lithuania, study results, scientific and / or artistic activities.
From 30 April to 6 May, candidates selected by Vilnius University will have to submit applications and documents in digital form to the address indicated by the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences:
Regulations for Presidential Scholarships can be found at
Thermo Fisher Scholarship
For Bachelor students
Thermo Fisher Scientific Nominal Scholarship Competition 2024–2025 for Bachelor Students
“Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics” UAB in cooperation with Vilnius University invites prospective 3- and 4-year Bachelor students from VU Life Sciences Center, Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics to prepare Bachelor final thesis at the Company.
Favorite students selected to prepare Bachelor final thesis at the Company will receive Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics nominal scholarship of 1100 Eur per single academic year. VU students who prepare the final thesis at the Company for two academic years and if study results do not worsen, are entitled for a second-year scholarship, therefore total scholarship would amount to 2200 Eur. This nominal scholarship does not impact students’ chances to receive other scholarships from the State, Vilnius University, “Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics” or other.
Prospective 3- and 4-year Bachelor students must submit applications for the competition by September 15th, 2024
Students must submit following documents:
- Curriculum vitae (CV);
- Motivational letter, also indicating preferred research areas listed in scholarship terms and conditions document;
- Certificate of completed semesters grades and their weighted average;
- Copy of secondary school graduation diploma;
- Copy of other achievements, such as scientific and/or social activities (e.g. participations in scientific competitions, tournaments and other);
- Recommendation from VU Faculty or Employer would be additional benefit.
For Master students
Thermo Fisher Scientific Nominal Scholarship Competition 2024–2025
“Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics” UAB in cooperation with Vilnius University invites prospective first year master students from VU Life Sciences Center, Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics to prepare Master final thesis at the Company.
Favorite students selected to prepare Master final thesis at the Company will receive Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics nominal scholarship of 2000 Eur per single academic year. VU students who prepare the final thesis at the Company for two academic years and if study results do not worsen, are entitled for a second-year scholarship, therefore total scholarship would amount up to 4000 Eur*.
Applicants’ Bachelor final thesis (or exams) and Main study field subjects weighted average grades must be no less than 8 to qualify for the Scholarship competition.
This nominal scholarship does not impact students’ chances to receive other scholarships from the State, Vilnius University, “Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics” or other.
First year Master students must submit applications for the competition by September 27, 2024
Students must submit following documents:
- Curriculum vitae (CV);
- Motivational letter, also indicating preferred Research groups;
- Copy of Bachelor studies diploma and its supplement;
- Copy of Secondary school graduation diploma;
- Copy of other achievements, such as scientific and/or social activities (e.g. participations in scientific competitions, tournaments and other);
- Recommendation from VU Faculty or Employer would be additional benefit.
Application documents should be submitted to VU Study administration department via e-mail: and “Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics” UAB via e-mail: titled “Thermo Fisher Scientific nominal scholarship”.
Questions regarding this competition should be addressed to “Thermo Fisher Scientific” representative – Edvin Stankevič, , or VU representative – Andrius Juozapavičius, e-mail:
* if final thesis defense is in January, total scholarship amounts to 3000 Eur.
"Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics" Nominal Scholarship Competition Terms and Conditions 2024-2025
„Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics“ Research Groups and Areas
Linea libera Scholarship
- How to apply
- Scholarships awarded in 2023–2024
- Scholarships awarded in 2022–2023
- Scholarships awarded in 2021–2022
How to apply
Students are invited to apply for a Linea libera Scholarship
The scholarship is established by the company UAB Linea libera, which implements new technologies, provides advanced solutions to science and medical laboratories and sells modern laboratory equipment, apparatus and consumables. The scholarship aims to encourage students of the 2nd and 3rd cycle study programmes of Vilnius University Life Sciences Center to plan a career in the fields of technology.
Linea libera Scholarship is granted for the implementation of a technological research project that has links with market demand.
The call for applications takes place once an academic year.
The total budget allocated for all Scholarships varies from € 1,000 to € 1,500 per year. The amounts and numbers of these Scholarships are determined by the Founder.
- Scholarship applications and project presentations are accepted from the 17th of March until the 11th of April by email: .
A presentation of the ongoing research project will take place at the Linea libera Scholarship Commission from the 15th until the 18th of April.
Until the 18th of April - announcement of Linea Libera Scholarship Spring Semester grantees.
Scholarships awarded in 2023–2024
On 3 April 2023, the Committee for the Nominal Linea libera Scholarship discussed the received applications, listened to the applicants' oral presentations.
For the implementation of a technological research project with links to market demand Linea libera Nominal Scholarship was awarded
- to the following BSc and MSc students:
- Agata Kipran (Bachelor student of Microbiology)
- Brigita Duchovska (Master student of Biochemistry)
- Ramojus Balevičius (Master student of Microbiology)
- to the following PhD students:
- Mantas Liudvinavičius (PhD student of Biochemistry)
- Agnė Rimkutė(PhD student of Chemical Engineering)
Linea Libera thanks everyone for their participation, for their interesting research papers and their presentations, and greatly appreciates the activity of young researchers.
Committee for the Linea Libera Nominal Scholarship:
Mark Bavirša (Linea Libera)
Dr. Justas Lazutka (VU LSC)
Dr. Inga Songailienė (VU LSC)
Scholarships awarded in 2022–2023
On 14 March 2023, the Committee for the Nominal Linea libera Scholarship discussed the received applications, listened to the applicants' oral presentations.
For the implementation of a technological research project with links to market demand Linea libera Nominal Scholarship was awarded
to the following MSc students: Martynas Arbačiauskas (Neurobiology)
Ieva Jaskovikaitė(Molecular Biotechnology)
Andrius Buivydas (Biochemistry)
to the following PhD students: Laima Čepulytė(Chemical Engineering)
Ashwinipriyadarshini Megur (Biochemistry)
Linea Libera thanks everyone for their participation, for their interesting research papers and their presentations.
Scholarships awarded in 2021–2022
For the implementation of a technological research project with links to market demand Linea Libera Nominal Scholarship was awarded
to the following master students:
Eimina Dirvelytė (Molecular Biology),
Dalia Jurkėnaitė (Genetics),
Eglė Vitkūnaitė (Molecular Biotechnology);
to the following PhD students:
Povilas Barasa (Chemical Engineering)
Karolina Juškaitė (Chemical Engineering)
Committee for the Linea Libera Nominal Scholarship:
Dalia Balčiūnė (Linea Libera)
Dr Justas Lazutka (VU GMC/VU LSC)
Dr Inga Songailienė (VU GMC/VU LSC)
Nando Scholarship for BSc and MSc students
The scholarship is established by the company Nando, which implements biotechnological innovations in agriculture and industry, combining scientific progress in the field of microbiology, biostimulators and technology.
Undergraduates of the 6th semester of Molecular biotechnology programme are invited to apply for Nando nominal scholarship, the amount of which is 500 euros. The Assessment Committee will select only one candidate according to the evaluation criteria described in the assessment regulations.
Granting of the Nando Nominal Scholarship to undegraduates in the spring semester of 2023-2024:
Until 26th of April 2024, candidates for the scholarship have to present in written the following documents via email :
- A request to grant the scholarship (via VUSIS system or in free form);
- A motivational letter (up to 300 words) justifying the candidate's aim to plan a career in the biotechnoloy industry.
The results of the applicants' 3–5 semesters of study will also be submitted to the Scholarship selection commission. The Scholarship Selection Commission will select the Nando Scholarship candidate on 29 April–3 May.
Nominal Scholarship of A. Sniadeckis
Andrias Sniadeckis named scholarships are awarded to BSc students for progress and high study results
More information in Lithuanian
Nominal Scholarship of K. Jankevičius
The scholarship is provided to talented students of the Microbiology study programme with the aim of encouraging them to achieve better study results and careers in the fields of microbiology and biotechnology sciences.
More information in Lithuanian
Scholarship of the Canadian Lithuanians' Foundation Eileen and Vincent Kadis
The scholarship is awarded to students of chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology and medicine study programmes.
More information in Lithuanian
More information about Scholarships at Vilnius University