How to Use Auditoriums
LSC Auditorium Usage Memo
- If the tables and chairs have been moved for your activity, please, put them back after you finish.
- Before returning your Auditorium Card to the security officer, please, make sure that you:
- left the computer in Sleep mode,
- turned the projector and lights off,
- cleaned the board thoroughly,
- closed the windows properly,
- locked the doors.
- Please, leave the Auditorium Card at the security post immediately after the session.
- Markers for writing on the board will be found in each auditorium.
- You can find sponges, markers, spray cleaners, lasers, computer cameras etc. at the LSC security post. After using them during a lecture or dissertation defence, please, return them to the security officer.
- If you encounter any problems in the auditorium, call the number indicated on the table/computer in the auditorium. For problems in the auditoriums, write to Robertas Kindurys (, for problems in computer classes, to Martynas Sukackas (
Thanks to everyone who helps maintain order.
28 January 2025
The study process in the spring semester begins on the 4th of February and will continue until the 31st of May.
Lectures, laboratory works, exercises, and seminars will be performed in contact only. Lectures can be given remotely, by agreement with the students during the first lecture, but it is recommended to be performed live. Teachers from abroad will also work remotely.
Students’ St. Easter holiday: from the 21st till the 26th of April.
The international students' conference “The Coins“ will be held at the Life Sciences Center from the 17th until the 20th of March ( The LSC Studies Department will pay the registration fees for the conference for LSC students.
Graduation: The graduation of molecular biologists will take place in the Small Hall of Vilnius University on the 21st of January at 10 a.m. Graduation of all other study programs - on the 18th of June at 1 p.m. in St. John's Church.
Final Thesis Defense for all study programs: from the 2nd till the 4th of June.
Guidelines for final thesis preparation and defense at VU LSC
Please don't forget to inform the students about the subject plan, forms of assessment, and any changes during the first lecture. Maintain feedback with students throughout the semester and communicate with students through the VMA system, the Teams platform, or through the course elder.
A big request is to maintain order in the auditoriums after the lecture, to restore everything to its place, a special request to see that the projector and auditorium lights are turned off after the lecture.
27 August 2024
31 January 2024
The study process in the spring semester begins on the 5th of February and will continue until the 31st of May.
Lectures, laboratory works, exercises, and seminars will be performed in contact only. Lectures can be given remotely, by agreement with the students during the first lecture, but it is recommended to be performed live. Teachers from abroad will also work remotely.
Students’ St. Easter holiday: from the 1st till the 7th of April.
International students conference The Coins will be held live at the Life Sciences Center from the 15th until the 18th of April (
Graduation: The graduation of molecular biologists will take place in the Small Hall of Vilnius University on the 2nd of February at 10 a.m.
Graduation of all other study programs - on the 19th of June at 1 p.m. in St. John's Church.
Final Thesis Defense for all study programs: from the 3rd till the 6th of June.
Do not forget to inform the students about the subject plan, forms of assessment, and any changes. Maintain feedback with students throughout the semester, and communicate with students through the VMA system, the Teams platform, or through the course elder.
Use of artificial intelligence in studies. The preparation of the document "Guidelines for the use of artificial intelligence at Vilnius University" is currently being completed and will be placed later on the LSC page and in study documents. During the first lecture, one point from the guidelines can be quoted to the students: "If the student submitted the text generated in the reports as his own and did not ensure that the submitted tasks or reports were prepared by him, and all the sources used and/or quoted are not indicated - this is considered a breach of academic ethics violation".
A big request is to maintain order in the auditoriums after the lecture, to restore everything to its place, a special request to see that the projector and auditorium lights are turned off after the lecture.
24 August 2023
Study Organization and Assessment of Student Achievements Memo for VU LSC Lecturer briefly presents the requirements of the first lecture, assessment of study achievements, student participation in compulsory lectures, order in VU LSC auditoriums etc. (This Memo for teacher is currently in Lithuanian).
Opening of the Academic Year at the Life Sciences Center:
A new semester of studies at Vilnius University will begin on the 1st of September. This day is an official festive day thus all the study process will begin only on the 4th of September.
1st of September:
11 a.m. an opening ceremony of the new Academic Year (classroom No R106, Life Sciences Center).
3 p.m. (until 3.30 p.m.) march of Vilnius University staff, students and alumni. The procession will start at the Gedimino pr. 53 and march towards the central building of Vilnius University (the Old City).
On the 1st of September we invite you to dress in green or with a green detail.
Students: 244 bachelor students and 100 master students will start their studies this autumn for the first time.
MSc students of all courses and BSc students of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th year start their studies on the 4th of September.
First-year BSc students begin their studies on the 5th of September.
Conducting the studies: we will conduct the studies live, in a face-to-face mode. GUS (General University Studies) will take place in a remote manner. REMINDER: during the first lecture, students must be informed about the assessment of study achievements, the number of assessments (preliminary dates), the order.
Spring semester subject reruns will be organized live at the LSC premises from the 4th until the 16th of September. The schedule of retaking exams for bachelor's and master's study programmes:
25 January 2023
The study process in spring semester begins on the 6th of February and will continue until the 31th of May.
Lectures, laboratory works, exercises, and seminars will be performed face-to-face only. Lectures can be given remotely by agreement with the students during the first lecture, but it is recommended to be given live. Teachers from abroad will also work remotely.
Students’ St. Easter holidays: from the 3rd till the 10th of April.
International students' conference The Coins will be held live at the Life Sciences Center from the 24th until the 27th of April.
Graduation ceremony: Graduation ceremony of molecular biologists (MSc) will take place in the Small Hall of Vilnius University on the 2nd of February at 10 a.m.
Graduation ceremony of all other study programmes: on the 27th of June at 2 p.m. in St. Johns's Church.
Final Theses Defense for all study programmes: from the 1st till the 9th of June.
Do not forget to inform the students about the subject plan, forms of assessment, any changes. Maintain feedback with students throughout the semester, communicate with students through the VLE system, the Teams platform, or through the course representative. Study organization and student achievement assesment memo for the lecturer is reattached.
A particular request is to maintain order in the auditoriums after the lecture, to put everything back to its place, a special request is to check that the projector and auditorium lights are turned off after the lecture.
24 August 2022
Study Organization and Assessment of Student Achievements Memo for VU LSC Lecturer briefly presents the requirements of the first lecture, assessment of study achievements, student participation in compulsory lectures, order in VU LSC auditoriums etc. (This Memo for teacher is currently in Lithuanian).
Opening of the Academic Year at the Life Sciences Center:
A new semester of studies at Vilnius University will begin on 1 September. This day is an official festive day thus all the study process will begin only on the 2nd of September.
1st of September:
11 a.m. an opening ceremony of the new Academic Year (classroom No R106, Life Sciences Center).
3 p.m. (until 3.30 p.m.) march of Vilnius University staff, students and alumni. The procession will start at the Gedimino al. 53 and march towards the central building of Vilnius University (the Old City).
Students: in total, 1077 students will study at the Life Sciences Center. 271 bachelor students and 126 master students will start their studies this autumn for the first time.
Timetables of academic 2022–23 year
The academic calendar can be found here.
20 June 2022
The 2021–22 academic year is coming to the end.
The Ceremony for Graduates of LSC will be held on the 28th of June in St. John's Church:
- at 2 p.m. for bachelors (in Lithuanian language),
- at 4 p.m. for master's students (in Lithuanian and English languages).
Diplomas will be awarded to
- 137 bachelors (including 7 Cum Laude, 4 Magna Cum laude)
- 68 Masters (including 10 Cum Laude, 6 Magna Cum Laude) of LSC.
Finis Anni Academici: the academic year-end event will take place on the 1st of July in St. Johns's Church.
Work during the autumn semester: Vilnius University plans to start the studies process in September in the contact form.
Beginning of the autumn semester:
- on the 1st of September - the opening ceremony of the new academic year.
- Lectures, seminars, and lab. works will start on the 2nd of September,
- only first-year bachelors will start their studies on the 5th of September.
Happy summer and holidays to everyone!
28 January 2022
The spring semester begins on the 4th of February and will continue until the 31th of May. Although the number of Covid cases in the country is rising, Vilnius University has decided to conduct studies in the spring semester in contact form, with the hope that the virus will gradually begin to shrink in February, and the number of cases will decrease.
Laboratory work, exercises, and seminars will be performed in contact only.
Lectures for large student flows can be given remotely, but it is recommended in February, followed by a return to contact work. Teachers from abroad will also work remotely.
Medical masks must be worn during all activities. The use of respirators is recommended.
Isolation. According to a new government decree, in the case of Covid in a group, only the sick person will be isolated, others will continue to study in contact.
Students’ St. Easter holiday: from the 11th till the 18th of April.
Graduation: Graduation of molecular biologist will take place in the Small Hall of Vilnius University on the 1th of February at 10 a.m.
Graduation of all other study programs - on the 28 th of June at 2 p.m. in the Great Courtyard of VU (or St. John's Church).
Final Thesis Defense for all study programs: from the 1th till 14th of June.
Do not forget to inform the students about the subject plan, forms of assessment, any changes. Maintain feedback with students throughout the semester, communicate with students through the VMA system, the Teams platform, or through the course elder.
24 August 2021
Opening of the Academic Year at the Life Sciences Center
A new semester of studies at Vilnius University will begin on 1st September. This day is an official festive day thus all the study process will begin only on 2nd of September.
1st of September:
11 a.m. an opening ceremony of the new Academic Year (auditorium No R106, Life Sciences Center).
3 p.m. (until 3.30 p.m.) Vilnius University Student Procession (staff, students and alumni) starting at Gedimino al. 53 and marching towards the central Vilnius University campus (Universiteto g. 3).
Students: in total 1040 students are going to study at the Life Sciences Center this autumn, including 286 new students for BSc, and 118 students for MSc.
According to the decision of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, only persons having immunity against Covid-19, vaccinated against it or having a valid negative test (with National Certificate, EU Certificate or other documents recognized in Lithuania) will be able to participate in face-to-face activities.
Staff and students have to wear protective equipment (face masks, respirators or other protective equipment) covering the nose and mouth in auditoriums and other study areas. Only disabled persons who are unable to wear a mask due to their health condition or because of possible damage to the person's state of health are allowed to attend without masks. If the staff member or student is unable to wear the mask due to their health condition or the specifics of the activity performed, other personal protective equipment may be chosen to wear depending on the conclusion of the occupational risk assessment.