Chairman of the Council
Prof. Habil. Dr. Juozas Rimantas Lazutka (VU LSC IBS)
Deputy Head of the Council
Dr. Rima Budvytytė (VU LSC IBS)
Members of the LSC Council
Prof. Dr. Rolandas Meškys (VU LSC IBCh)
Prof. Dr. Daumantas Matulis (VU LSC IBT)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Raimondas Šiukšta (VU LSC IBM)
Dr. Egidijus Šimoliūnas (VU LSC IBCh)
Dr. Justas Dapkūnas (VU LSC IBT)
Dr. Indrė Lapeikaitė (VU LSC IBM)
Indrė Dalgėdienė (VU LSC IBT)
Dr. Edita Šmergelienė (Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics)
Dr. Monika Paulė (Caszyme)
Justinas Kavoliūnas – PhD students' representative
Viktorija Amankavičiūtė – students' representative
Martyna Vaitkūnaitė – students' representative
All Council-related documents are available on the website in Lithuanian