

  Research interests  Contacts
Dr Aidas Alaburda Biophysics, neurophysiology Phone: +370 656 12831
Dr. Gintautas Bagdžiūnas Organic and bioorganic chemistry, bioelectronics, biosensors, neurochemistry, chirality Email: 
Dr Daiva Baltriukienė Investigation of stem cell properties and their feasibility, study of cell signal transmission, preclinical trials of medicinal substances, principles of creating artificial tissues  Phone: +370 615 38744
Email: .
Dr Marija Biteniekytė Arachnology, protected species, upland bog spider communities Phone: +370 650 54915
Email: .
Dr. Rima Budvytytė Self-organization in lipid systems;
Lipid-protein interactions
Lipid-based nanoparticles
Dr Ramunė Grikšienė

The influence of sex and sex hormones on human cognitive function, emotions, stress response and social behaviour.
Psychophysiology: assessment of human brain activity by non-invasive methods (electroencephalography (EEG), gaze parameters, peripheral measurements (cardiac, muscular activity, electrical conductivity of the skin), determination of hormone levels).

Phone: +370 601 36903
Email: .
 Dr. Renata Gudiukaitė Protein/enzyme engineering; isolation of microorganisms from environmental samples; industrial microbiology and biotechnology; lipolytic enzymes in biocatalysis Tel. +370 609 90189,
Dr Virginija Kalcienė

Water ecotoxicology, assessment of chemical compounds risk to environment

Phone: +370 5 239 8242
Email: .
Dr Laura Kalinienė Virusology Phone: +370 687 92461
Prof. Dr. Nomeda Kuisienė

Microbial culture collections, identification of bacteria

Phone: +370 652 00495
Prof. Dr (HP) Ernestas Kutorga Mycology, diversity, biology and ecology of mushrooms Phone: +370 610 37307
Prof. Eglė Lastauskienė Microorganisms and allergies, search for antimicrobial compounds, application of electroporation for the control of microorganisms, determination of cell death type, flourescent microscopy Phone: +370 61024191
Prof. Daumantas Matulis Drug design, interaction of chemical compounds with human proteins, energetics of interaction  Phone: +370 655 06560
Email: .
Dr Rolandas Meškys Genetic and biochemial diversity of microorganisms, biotechnology of enzymes, biocatalytic processes Phone: +370 5 2729149
Dr Raimundas Ražanskas Molecular biology, biotechnology and bioinformatics of plants Phone: +370 5 239 8264, +370 616 34011
Email: .
Habil. Dr (HP) Osvaldas Rukšėnas Neurobiology, sensory systems, physiology Phone: +370 687 45546  Email: 
Prof. Saulius Serva

Viruses and antivirals. Genetically modified organisms

Phone: +370 5 239 8244
Saulis Skuja Ornitology, birds of prey, owls Phone: +370 686 14030
Dr. Grita Skujienė Biology, systematics, resource management, distribution and protection of molluscs and other animals. Protected and invasive species. Bioethics and animal welfare. Educology. Museology. Email: 
Dr Vytautas Smirnovas Protein aggregation, amyloid protein structures, protein infectiveness (prions) Phone: +370 670 69929
Dr. Joana Smirnovienė Enzyme stability, activity, and inhibition Email: 
Dr Gintautas Tamulaitis CRIPR-Cas systems, restriction endonucleases, protection of bacteria against viral mechanisms, protein-DNA interaction mechanisms Phone: +370 616 55524
Email: ,
Dr. Algirdas Toleikis Molecular motors, kinesins, helicases Email: 
Dr Alius Ulevičius Ecology of mammals  Phone: +370 699 89023
Dr Mindaugas Valius Cell biology, oncology, chemotherapy, biomarkers, proteomics, confocal microscopy Phone: +370 685 52639
Prof. Dr. Valentina Vengelienė Alcohol and substance use disorder, development of experimental drugs Email: 
Dr Donatas Žvingila Genetics of populations, recombinogenesis Phone: +370 678 15127
Email: .
Dr Aurelija Žvirblienė Immunology, antibodies, vaccines, immunodiagnostics Phone: +370 699 28122

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