
The article entitled ‘Selective chemical tracking of Dnmt1 catalytic activity in live cells’ by researchers of Vilnius University Life Sciences Centre (VU LSC) Institute of Biotechnology Vaidotas Stankevičius, Povilas Gibas, Bernadeta Masiulionytė, Liepa Gasiulė, Viktoras Masevičius, Saulius Klimašauskas and Giedrius Vilkaitis has been published in Molecular Cell,  a prestigious and highly cited journal. In the same issue of the journal, Prof. Saulius Klimašauskas, Prof. Giedrius Vilkaitis and Dr. Vaidotas Stankevičius feature ‘Meet the Authors’ series about the published work and stories behind it.

A project at the Institute of Biotechnology of the VU Life Sciences Centre for the treatment of various human genetic diseases using gene therapy has won the ‚Europos burės 2022‘ (European Sails 2022) award. It was recognised as the best in the category ‚Efficiency in Medicine‘.

2 articles were published in the journal Nature Microbiology (IF 30.964) are dedicated to functional and mechanism studies of short prokaryotic Argonaute proteins. They crowned the productive collaboration of the Department of Protein-Nucleic acids interactions group, Institute of Biotechnology (BTI), Vilnius University Life Sciences Centre (VU GMC), led by dr. Mindaugas Zaremba and prof. Virginijus Šikšnys, and the Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel) Department of Molecular Genetics, headed by prof. Rotem Sorek.  

28 best students of the country have been awarded the Presidential Scholarships for the academic year 2022-2023 for their outstanding academic achievements in various fields of study. This year, the largest number of scholarships - thirteen - will be awarded to students from Vilnius University (VU). And two of them are from the VU Life Sciences Centre (VU GMC).

The Jonas Žemaitis scholarships (Engineering Sciences and Technology Sciences) will be awarded to Lukas Krasauskas, a first year student of the Master's degree programme in Molecular Biotechnology at the VU Life Sciences Centre, and Mohammad Nour Alsamsam, a first year student of the Master's degree programme in Photonics and Nanotechnology at the VU Physics Faculty.

The Kazis Grinius scholarships (life sciences, health sciences, veterinary sciences, agriculture, sports) will be awarded to Giedrė Žulpaitė, 5th year student of the VU Faculty of Medicine's Integrated Medical Studies programme, and Justina Gineitytė, 5th year student of the VU Life Sciences Centre's Biophysics Master's programme.

Gabrielė Aputytė, a fourth-year student of the Bachelor's degree programme in Lithuanian Philology and Latvian Language at the VU Faculty of Philology, Mikas Danilevičius, a third-year student of the Bachelor's degree programme in Classical (Latin and Ancient Greek) Philology at the VU Faculty of Philology, and Pranciškus Gricius, a first-year student of the Master's degree programme in Philosophy at the VU Faculty of Philology.

The Aleksandras Stulginskis (Mathematical Sciences, Computer Science, Physical Sciences) scholarships are awarded to Ieva Pudžiuvelyte, a third-year student of the Bachelor's degree programme in Bioinformatics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius University, Diana Griesiūte, 1st year student of the Master's degree programme in Chemistry at the Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences, VU, Vilius Bagdonas, 1st year student of the Master's degree programme in Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics at the Faculty of Physics, VU.

Algirdas Brazauskas Scholarships (social sciences and educational sciences, law, business and public management) will be awarded to Dominykas Ragelis, a third year student of the Bachelor's degree programme in Psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy of Vilnius University, Danielis Jurčiukonis, 1st year student of the Master's Degree Programme in Geography and Territorial Planning at the Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences, VU, Vilias Lapis, 1st year student of the Master's Degree Programme in Criminal Justice, Faculty of Law, VU.

Evaluates performance and activity

Scholarships in honour of the Presidents of the Republic of Lithuania, Antanas Smetona, Aleksandras Stulginskis, Kazis Grinius, Jonas Žemaitis and Algirdas Brazauskas, are awarded annually to the best-performing students in the country.

Candidates for the scholarships are selected on the basis of their achievements in studies, scientific, social and artistic activities. Students are awarded for their outstanding academic performance, participation in competitions, expeditions and student research projects, published research papers, etc.

The scholarship recipients study in bachelor's, master's and full-time study programmes at eleven higher education institutions in the country - eight universities and three colleges.

Three scholarships will go to students of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, two each to Kaunas University of Technology and Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, and one each to Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Vytautas Magnus University, Klaipėda University, and Vilnius Academy of Arts. Two students from Kaunas College will also be awarded Presidential nominal scholarships, and one each from Vilnius and Šiauliai State Colleges.

Nine students will be awarded Presidential Nominal Scholarships for their achievements in humanities and arts studies. The five best students were selected from the Life, Health, Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences and Sport study groups. Five more were selected from the Engineering and Technological Science study group, and five from the Social and Educational Sciences, Law, Business and Public Management study group. Four students were recognised for outstanding results in mathematics, computer science and physical sciences.

Up to 30 Presidential Nominal Scholarships are available each year for the best students. They are open to students from all higher education institutions, both state-funded and non-state-funded. Applications for the scholarships are submitted by higher education institutions and assessed by experts from the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences.

The Presidential Nominal Scholarships were established in 1995 to honour the Presidents of the Republic of Lithuania and to encourage the country's best students.

Staff and PhD students from the Department of Neurobiology and Biophysics of the VU Life Sciences Centre, as well as neuroscientists from other departments of the VU LSC, actively participated in the international conference FENS (Federation of European Neurosciences Associations) Forum 2022. This conference took place in Paris (France), 9-14 July. 

In total, over 7800 participants took part in the conference, 17 from Lithuania (15 out of them were from VU LSC), and over 4000 poster presentations were presented at this conference. VU LSC scientists also presented their posters.

The Presidium of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (LAS), on the basis of the proposals of the expert commissions for LAS Young Scientists' Fellowships of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (LAS), has awarded 15 fellowships to the best young scientists in the fields of humanities, social sciences, physical sciences, biomedicine, technology and agriculture. Six of them were awarded to scientists from Vilnius University (VU), one of them to a VU LSC scientist Dr Inga Songailienė.

Today, 8 June 2022, seven outstanding female scientists from the Baltic States have been announced as winners of the L'Oréal-UNESCO Baltic young talent programme “For Women in Science” awards. This year, the awards and EUR 6,000 prizes in Lithuania went to Dr Gintarė Kručaitė and PhD student Greta Jarockytė. In addition, three of the winning scientists, one from each Baltic country, will be nominated for the prestigious L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Rising Talent Award.

A group of scientists from the Department of Immunology and Cell Biology, Institute of Biotechnology (BTI), Vilnius University Life Sciences Centre (VU GMC), led by Dr Arvydas Kanopka, has implemented the project Hypoxia as a cellular stress inducing mRNA diversity and ageing' (Nr. S-SEN-20-17) under the National Science Programme 'Healthy Ageing' of the Lithuanian Council of Science, and has made a recommendation based on the main results obtained during the implementation of this project.

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