
Description: 200 kV Cryo-Transmission Electron Microscope Glacios™ (Cryo-TEM) for life sciences with Falcon 3EC Direct Electron Detector and Volta Phase Plate (ThermoFisher Scientific). The Glacios Cryo-TEM is installed and tuned up for single particle analysis (SPA) workflow for pre-screening of sample quality before transferring to the 300 kV Krios Cryo-TEM for ultimate-resolution SPA data acquisition and can be used for cyo-electron tomography.

Sample preparation equipment available includes Vitrobot Mark IV (ThermoFisher Scientific) which is used for automatic vitrification of samples for SPA or cryo-tomography and Gloqube Plus glow discharger (Quorum).

On-site training available: no
Qualified users only are permitted to operate this equipment: yes
Personal user assistant available: no

VU ID: 8129701, 8129702
Room: V132.1 (9.35m2)
Dept.: LSC

Contact Scientist:

Dr Giedrė Tamulaitienė
+370 5 223 4357


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