King Fisher Duo Magnetic Particle Processor for Nucleic Acid Purification
Description: Automated DNA and RNA purification from up to 12 samples.
Description: Automated DNA and RNA purification from up to 12 samples.
Description: Monochromator based absorbance reader. Absorbance detector: silicon photodiode; wavelength range: 230–1000 nm in 1nm steps; measurement range: 0–3 OD; shaking: linear, orbital; accommodates 6 to 384 well plates.
Description: White light and fluorescence imaging of the colonies, picking from 6 well plates to 96 well plates.
Description: Gel and blot imaging and analysis system including darkroom, UV transilluminator, epi-white illumination, camera.
Description: Up to 3 lasers (375 nm, 488 nm, 638 nm), automatic sample loading from 96 well plates.
Description: Proteomics analysis starting from sample preparation by 1D and 2D electrophoresis as well as chromatography and subsequent mass spectrometry protein identification and quantitation. SYNAPT G2 high definition mass spectrometer (HDMS) system (Waters), coupled with nano-liquid chromatographer nanoACQUITY UPLC system (Waters) for large scale label-free differential proteomic analysis and identification of their PTMs.