

Description: The facility is designed with key components for animal laboratory, including small laboratory animals holding rooms for mice, rats and rabbits, procedure room, sterile operating room (equipped with operating table and surgical lighting, breathing apparatus Inspira ASV, electrosurgical generator (surgical blade) Aaron 950, a pulse oximeter LifeSenseVet, an ultrasound system Hitachi EUB 7000, haematology analyser Exigo EOS, etc.) and all other necessary animal laboratory areas.

On-site training available: no
Qualified users only are permitted to operate this equipment: yes
Personal user assistant available: yes

Dept.: LSC IBCh

Contact Scientist:

Prof. Dr. Daiva Baltriukienė
+370 5 223 4379



32 1 Bukelskien electrosurgical generator surgical blade Aaron 950


32 2 Bukelskien haematology analyser Exigo EOS


32 Bukelskien breathing apparatus Inspira ASV


323 Bukelskien haematology analyser Exigo EOS


325 BUkelskien ultrasound system Hitachi EUB 7000

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