The Department has up to 50 years of experience in composing and implementing/managing educational programs as well as providing a learning environment for undergraduate and graduate studies in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and PhD studies in Biochemistry.
The research field of the Department, in overall approach, is studies of structure, functions and transformations of biomolecules in model and living systems. Our members are experts in molecular and cell biology of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, biochemistry of nucleic acids and proteins. Our specific research interests include cell death and its modulation, bacterial stress responses and pathogenesis, applied biosynthesis of nucleic acids, antivirals, membrane biochemistry, DNA-protein interactions, enzymatic catalysis and conversion of biomass. The Department has facilities for cell imaging and functional analysis, experimental research of NA and proteins, chemical analysis of biological compounds.
Head of department:
Assoc.prof., dr. Aušra Sasnauskienė
Molecular Mechanisms of Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance and Pathogenesis
Principal investigators
Prof. Edita Sužiedėlienė
Dr. Julija Armalytė
Dr. Jūratė Skerniškytė
In collaboration (VU, Faculty of Physics): Dr. Irina Buchovec
Group members
Dr. Danutė Labeikytė
Dr. Arvydas Markuckas
Dr. Kęstutis Sužiedėlis
Ramutė Pagalytė
Phd students
Laurita Klimkaitė
Tomas Liveikis
Ignas Ragaišis
Research topics
Our research is focused towards understanding the molecular basis underlying the bacterial antibiotic resistance in clinic and in the environment with the emphasis on novel resistance mechanisms and on the bacterial cell features contributing to pathogenesi.
Genetic elements responsible for the spread of antimicrobial resistance in the clinic and the environment
Infections caused by the group of gram-negative bacteria that are resistant to nearly all currently available antibiotics is a serious concern in clinical settings worldwide. Bacteria, previously considered as non-pathogenic, due to their ability to acquire multidrug-resistance and virulence traits, are currently becoming the ones of the most important hospital infection agents. The opportunistic pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii causes a variety of difficult-to-treat nosocomial infections to critically ill patients. The characteristic features of A. baumannii are the ability to withstand prolonged periods of dryness, form biofilms on various surfaces including medical equipment, upregulate intrinsic resistance mechanisms and acquire new resistance genes through plasmids, as well as the ability to adhere and colonise the host cells. Another opportunistic pathogen Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is receiving increased attention in the clinic due to its innate multidrug-resistance causing difficult-to-treat infections, combined with a lacking knowledge about the molecular mechanisms causing the pathogenicity. Understanding the molecular basis of pathogenesis and evaluating the impact of the mobile genetic elements in bacterial adaptation may bring novel insights into pathogenicity and development of novel antibacterial strategies.
The interplay between opportunistic bacteria and the innate immunity
Our research has revealed two bacterial features as important factors in the pathogenesis of opportunistic bacteria: 1) capsular polysaccharides (CPS) and 2) outer membrane vesicles (OMV). We demonstrated that CPS efficiently protect A. baumannii from environmental stress and phagocytosis by immune cells. Additionally, A. baumannii produces OMV that encapsulate antibiotic-degrading enzymes, making OMV secretion a powerful strategy to inactivate antimicrobials at a distance. Our investigations has revealed that secreted OMV can also modulate inflammatory response in macrophages. Our goal is to understand how bacteria modulate the response of immune response through the production of CPS and OMV.
Alternative antibacterial treatment techniques
Our research focuses on antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) against multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria, such as A. baumannii and S. maltophilia. aPDT is a biophotonic technology that can be used as a complementary or alternative treatment to antibiotics. It is based on the interaction of a photosensitizer (PS), molecular oxygen, and low doses of light with a wavelength corresponding to the absorption peak of PS. Laboratory experiments have been carried out with the naturally occurring PS magnesium chlorophyllin (Chl), riboflavin (Rf), and 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA). An LED-based light source (402 nm and 440 nm) with temperature and light flux control is used for irradiation experiments. Our recent works demonstrate Chl-, Rf- and ALA-based aPDT efficacy against both pathogens biofilms. Studies on oxidative stress and reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation in the cells of the pathogens under study after exposure to aPDT have been successfully carried out. However, aPDTs can usually only partially inactivate bacteria in the biofilms they form. To overcome this problem, aPDT could be combined with antibiotics to neutralize the bacteria completely, thus preventing the recurrence of infection.
Microbial diversity and spread of antibiotic resistance in the environment
Microorganisms are found in high abundance and play a leading role in countless natural processes in the environment. However, the biodiversity in the soil, water and other bacterial habitats can be challenged due to human activities and established natural processes affected. Apart from the soil or water body management being vital for agricultural purposes, they are also considered a favorable environment for the evolution and development of antimicrobial resistance, due to their high complexity and ongoing competition between the microorganisms. We aim to evaluate the microorganism variation that can be observed in different environmental conditions (e.g. intensive agricultural lands, aquafarming, polluted areas) concentrating on the possibility of the spread of clinically important antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs). The comparison of ARGs composition as well as their mobilization potential could show the impact of anthropogenic activities on the ecosystems as well as the possibility of transferring the ARGs to the human hosts.
Analysis of human airway microbiome
The human microbiomes, including the respiratory tract, are described and characterized in an increasing numbers of studies; however, the composition and effects of the healthy or disturbed microbiome on pulmonary health and its interaction with the host are only beginning to be elucidated. In our study we aimed to investigate the upper respiratory tract as a less invasive alternative for understanding lung health and to identify potential biomarkers linked to the disease. Microbial diversity of upper and lower airways was determined by full-length 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing using Oxford Nanopore technologies. While the composition of the upper respiratory tract microbiome did not directly associate with the composition of lower respiratory tract microbiome, a subtle influence was observed, indicating several species of microorganisms which should be looked into as potential biomarkers.
National research program “Investigation of capsular polysaccharides and outer membrane vesicles as virulence factors in pathogenesis of opportunistic bacteria” (2023-2026) funded by The Research Council of Lithuania (S-MIP-23-109). Principal investigator Dr. Jūratė Skerniškytė
Science promotion fund of Vilnius university project “Prevalence of genetic determinants of antibiotic resistance in opportunistic pathogens Acinetobacter baumannii and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia“, No. MSF-JM-12/2023. Principal investigator – Laurita Klimkaitė, Project participant – T. Liveikis (2023-2024).
Science promotion fund of Vilnius University project “Synergistic Antibiotic-Photodynamic Therapy Combination in Inactivation of Opportunistic Pathogen Stenotrophomonas maltophilia”, No. MSF-JM-3/2021. Project leader - dr. I. Buchovec, participant – L. Klimkaitė (2020-2021).
Programme for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania, Funding instrument - European Regional Development Fund, measure 01.2.2-LMT-K-718 „Targeted Research in Smart Specialisation Areas“, project „Analysis of Individualized Upper Respiratory Tract Microbiome – a novel tool for diagnostics and healthcare (YourAirwayMicrobiome)“, No. 01.2.2-LMT-K-718-03-0079. Project leader Innovative Medicine Center, project coordinator for Vilnius University dr. J. Armalytė (2020-2023).
National research program “Healthy ageing”, project “Development of virus-like particles-based vaccine against Acinetobacter baumannii“ (No. S-SEN20-1). Principal investigator dr. Julija Armalytė (2020–2021).
National research program “Sustainability of agro, forest and water ecosystems ”, project “The influence of intensive fish farming on aquatic microbiome and resistome“, No. S-SIT-20-6. Researcher dr. Julija Armalytė (2020-2021).
Developing students' skills by participating in scientific summer internships (LMT): “Inactivation of Acinetobacter baumannii biofilms by antimicrobial photodynamic therapy“; 2021.07-2021.08; Project leader – dr. Irina Buchovec.
National research program “Sustainability of agro, forest and water ecosystems” project “Influence of intensive farming on development, persistence and spread of bacteria resistant to antimicrobials and biocides in soil and water”. Project coordinator for Vilnius University dr. J. Armalytė (2015–2018).
Laboratory of Nucleic Acids Biochemistry
Principal investigator
Prof. Saulius Serva
Group members
Dr. Aleksandras Konovalovas
Dr. Algirdas Mikalkėnas
Dr. Lina Aitmanaitė
PhD students
Enrika Celitan
Gerda Skinderytė
Group is actively engaged in research focused on two main directions:
• Molecular mechanisms of innate yeast Saccharomyces viruses;
• Design and investigation of nucleoside- and nucleotide-based antivirals.
The innate viruses of Saccharomyces and closely related yeasts are being investigated to understand the relations with host in order to elucidate the evolutionary pathways and uncover the principles of dsRNA virus distribution within an ecosystem. We use the molecular biology techniques, involving advanced level manipulations on genomic material such as RNA cloning along with reverse genetics approach. Transcriptomic, proteomic and phenomic consequences of dsRNA viruses on the host cell are interpreted as model framework to establish a universal mechanisms behind any virus of interest. Viral capsids are purified and developed for the facilitated delivery of bioactive materials.
Nucleoside/nucleotide based antivirals constitute an essence of the modern high efficacy retroviral treatment. We rest on the fundamental principles of enzyme catalysis to design and develop antiviral compounds. The aim of our research is to develop the drugs active at the level of catalytic cycle of retroviral replication enzymes, linking the exclusive specificity and efficacy into the binding approach. These compounds are also beneficial for elucidation of the molecular mechanisms of reverse transcriptase inhibition.
The broad range of methods from classic to those recently developed are employed in a lab. We master microbiology, gene and genome engineering, next generation DNA and RNA sequencing (Oxford Nanopore), bioinformatics, enzymology, cell culture and other techniques. The obtained data are integrated by Systems Biology approach so creating a paradigm network for the virus-host interactions.
Projects (since 2017)
Ministry of Education, Science and Sports, Short-term research in health and education project “System for virus spread control and extreme situation management during COVID-19 epidemics”, Nr. S-DNR-20-2 (2021).
European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) activity CA17103: “Delivery of antisense RNA therapeutics (DARTER)” (P-COST-20-3). 2020-2022.
Vilnius University Science Advancement Fund Project „Investigation of Totiviridae family virus ScV-LA biogenesis in native environment“, Nr. MSF-JM-7 (2019-2020).
EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program Project “Sonic Drilling coupled with Automated Mineralogy and chemistry On-Line-On-Mine-Real-Time” (SOLSA) (2016-2020).
Baltisch-Deutsches Hochschulkontor, Project "Life cycle of yeast dsRNA viruses uncovered by advanced fluorescent microscopy" (2019).
Research Council of Lithuania, Project of National Research Program „Sustainability of agro-, forest and water ecosystems”: “Agroecosystems microbiota under climate change: structure and concordance mechanisms", SIT-07/2015 (2015-2018).
Molecular mechanisms of resistance to anticancer treatment
Principal investigator
Dr. Aušra Sasnauskienė
Group members
Dr. Violeta Jonušienė
Dr. Daiva Dabkevičienė
Vilmantė Žitkutė
Eglė Žalytė
Research topics
Research interests of our group:
• Investigation of molecular mechanisms of resistance to anticancer treatment;
• Functional studies of human primary cells.
Investigation of molecular mechanisms of resistance to anticancer treatment
Acquired drug resistance is a major limitation of cancer treatment. Resistance of cancer cells can emerge due to various factors: alterations in drug transport and metabolism, modification of drug targets, activation of DNA repair or changes in cell death induction. Deeper understanding of chemoresistant cell physiology, in particular cell death and survival signalling, suggests new possible targets to overcome cancer cell resistance.
We study molecular mechanisms that determine cancer cell susceptibility to agents of chemotherapy, targeted therapy or immune checkpoint inhibition. Our aim is to identify potential targets for anti-cancer therapy in colorectal and endometrial cancer cells.
In collaboration with researchers from Vilnius University Life Sciences Center Institute of Biochemistry, we investigate the use of nanotubes of bacteriophage origin as potential drug carriers. We evaluate the mechanisms of nanotube entry and transport in cancer cells.
Functional analysis of human primary cells
In collaboration with the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University, we analyze primary cells of patients having rare genetic diseases. We aim to characterize functional changes of primary cells and correlate them with alterations in genome and transcriptome.
Culturing of cell cultures and primary cells in 2D and 3D systems; immunoenzymatic assays: Western blot, ELISA; quantitative PCR; subcellular localization studies using confocal microscopy; flow cytometry; functional analysis of gene expression using siRNA and CRISPR-Cas techniques.
Projects (since 2017)
Science promotion fund of Vilnius University project “Application of CRISPR-Cas13 technology in studying mechanisms of chemoresistance”, No. MSF-JM-2/2021. Project leader V. Žitkutė (2021-2022).
Research Council of Lithuania National programme “Healthy ageing” project “Self-assembling Phage Proteins for Targeted Nanomedicine”, No. P-SEN-20-4. Participants: A. Sasnauskienė, V. Žitkutė (2020-2021).
Science promotion fund of Vilnius University project “Genome and transcriptome analysis in pathogenesis studies of rare inherited diseases”, No. MSF-JM-2/2020. Participants: A. Sasnauskienė, V. Žitkutė (2020).
Research Council of Lithuania. Project “Redox Chemistry, Biochemistry and Cytotoxicity of Aromatic Nitrocompounds and N-oxides: a New Look”, No. DOTSUT-34/09.33-LMT-K712-01-0058. Participant V. Jonušienė (2018–2021).
Research Council of Lithuania, National programme “Healthy ageing” project “Novel biomarkers for individualized therapy of colon cancer: proteomics, microRNomics and clinics”, No. SEN-17/2015. Participants V. Jonušienė, A. Sasnauskienė (2015-2018).
Molecular mechanisms of intracellular trafficking
Principal investigator
Prof. Vytautė Starkuvienė Erfle
Research topics
Intracellular trafficking distributes newly synthesized and endocytosed material to diverse cellular destinations and, by doing so, ensures cellular homeostasis. Deregulation of cargo trafficking leads to ever-increasing list of diseases such as cancer or cardio-vascular. Intracellular trafficking strongly contributes to cell differentiation and aging processes. Trafficking can be divided into several pathways: secretory mechanisms that transport cargo from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi complex, and from there on – to the plasma membrane, lysosomes or cell outside. Endocytosis is responsible for cellular entry of various ligands, growth factors or viruses. Both, secretory and endocytic pathways are closely related to degradation, autophagy, cell death and division, transcription and translation. Our aim is to analyse how endocytosis machinery respond and adapt to changes in cell outside. The projects are running at Vilnius and Heidelberg (Germany) Universities.
To dissect the complexity of trafficking pathways, we use cell biology, molecular genetics and biochemistry techniques. The methodological focus in the group lies in high-throughput and high-resolution fluorescence microscopy. We work with cancer and healthy primary cells in 2D and 3D environment; and modify gene, transcript and protein expression and function by gene editing, RNAi, drug and antibody-mediated approaches, respectively. We also develop techniques to perform these experiments with little side effects and on varying biological scales..
Complexity of endocytosis defines the efficiency of cell modification
Cargo intracellular delivery depends on effectiveness of endocytosis, which differs in individual cells. GFP protein enters some cells efficiently and localizes to cytoplasm. In contrast, some cells fail to internalize this cargo. Part of cells trap GFP in their endosomes after internalization.
Courtesy: Dr S. Liechocki, Heidelberg University
Molecular Mechanisms of Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance and Pathogenesis:
Danne, C., Skerniskyte, J., Marteyn, B., and Sokol, H. (2024). Neutrophils: from IBD to the gut microbiota. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 21, 184–197. 10.1038/s41575-023-00871-3.
Armalytė, J., Čepauskas, A., Šakalytė, G., Martinkus, J., Skerniškytė, J., Martens, C., Sužiedėlienė, E., Garcia-Pino, A., and Jurėnas, D. (2023). A polyamine acetyltransferase regulates the motility and biofilm formation of Acinetobacter baumannii. Nat Commun 14, 3531. 10.1038/s41467-023-39316-5.
Klimkaite, L., Liveikis, T., Kaspute, G., Armalyte, J., and Aldonyte, R. (2023). Air pollution-associated shifts in the human airway microbiome and exposure-associated molecular events. Future Microbiol 18, 607–623. 10.2217/fmb-2022-0258.
Klimkaitė, L., Ragaišis, I., Krasauskas, R., Ružauskas, M., Sužiedėlienė, E., and Armalytė, J. (2023). Novel Antibiotic Resistance Genes Identified by Functional Gene Library Screening in Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and Chryseobacterium spp. Bacteria of Soil Origin. Int J Mol Sci 24, 6037. 10.3390/ijms24076037.
Buchovec, I., Klimkaitė, L., Sužiedėlienė, E., and Bagdonas, S. (2022). Inactivation of Opportunistic Pathogens Acinetobacter baumannii and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia by Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy. Microorganisms 10, 506. 10.3390/microorganisms10030506.
Buchovec, I., Vyčaitė, E., Badokas, K., Sužiedelienė, E., and Bagdonas, S. (2022). Application of Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy for Inactivation of Acinetobacter baumannii Biofilms. Int J Mol Sci 24, 722. 10.3390/ijms24010722.
Polmickaitė-Smirnova, E., Buchovec, I., Bagdonas, S., Sužiedėlienė, E., Ramanavičius, A., and Anusevičius, Ž. (2022). Photoinactivation of Salmonella enterica exposed to 5-aminolevulinic acid: Impact of sensitization conditions and irradiation time. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 231, 112446. 10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2022.112446.
Lastauskienė, E., Valskys, V., Stankevičiūtė, J., Kalcienė, V., Gėgžna, V., Kavoliūnas, J., Ružauskas, M., and Armalyte, J. (2021). The Impact of Intensive Fish Farming on Microbiome and Resistome of Pond Sediments. Front. Vet. Sci. 8. 10.3389/fvets.2021.673756.
Skerniškytė, J., Karazijaitė, E., Lučiūnaitė, A., and Sužiedėlienė, E. (2021). OmpA Protein-Deficient Acinetobacter baumannii Outer Membrane Vesicles Trigger Reduced Inflammatory Response. Pathogens 10, 407. 10.3390/pathogens10040407.
Klimkaitė, L., Armalytė, J., Skerniškytė, J., and Sužiedėlienė, E. (2020). The Toxin-Antitoxin Systems of the Opportunistic Pathogen Stenotrophomonas maltophilia of Environmental and Clinical Origin. Toxins (Basel) 12. 10.3390/toxins12100635.
Krasauskas, R., Skerniškytė, J., Martinkus, J., Armalytė, J., and Sužiedėlienė, E. (2020). Capsule Protects Acinetobacter baumannii From Inter-Bacterial Competition Mediated by CdiA Toxin. Front Microbiol 11, 1493. 10.3389/fmicb.2020.01493.
Armalytė, J., Skerniškytė, J., Bakienė, E., Krasauskas, R., Šiugždinienė, R., Kareivienė, V., Kerzienė, S., Klimienė, I., Sužiedėlienė, E., and Ružauskas, M. (2019). Microbial Diversity and Antimicrobial Resistance Profile in Microbiota From Soils of Conventional and Organic Farming Systems. Front Microbiol 10, 892. 10.3389/fmicb.2019.00892.
Krasauskas, R., Skerniškytė, J., Armalytė, J., and Sužiedėlienė, E. (2019). The role of Acinetobacter baumannii response regulator BfmR in pellicle formation and competitiveness via contact-dependent inhibition system. BMC Microbiol. 19, 241. 10.1186/s12866-019-1621-5.
Miškinytė, M., Juškaitė, R., Skerniškytė, J., Voldemarienė, V., Valuckas, K.P., Kučinskienė, Z.A., Sužiedėlis, K., and Sužiedėlienė, E. (2019). High incidence of plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance (PMQR) genes among antibiotic-resistant Gram-negative bacteria from patients of the Lithuanian National Cancer Center. Infect Dis (Lond) 51, 471–474. 10.1080/23744235.2019.1591637.
Skerniškytė, J., Krasauskas, R., Péchoux, C., Kulakauskas, S., Armalytė, J., and Sužiedėlienė, E. (2018). Surface-Related Features and Virulence Among Acinetobacter baumannii Clinical Isolates Belonging to International Clones I and II. Front Microbiol 9, 3116. 10.3389/fmicb.2018.03116.
Skerniškytė, J., Karazijaitė, E., Deschamps, J., Krasauskas, R., Armalytė, J., Briandet, R., and Sužiedėlienė, E. (2019). Blp1 protein shows virulence-associated features and elicits protective immunity to Acinetobacter baumannii infection. BMC Microbiol. 19, 259. 10.1186/s12866-019-1615-3.
Skerniškytė, J., Karazijaitė, E., Deschamps, J., Krasauskas, R., Briandet, R., and Sužiedėlienė, E. (2019). The Mutation of Conservative Asp268 Residue in the Peptidoglycan-Associated Domain of the OmpA Protein Affects Multiple Acinetobacter baumannii Virulence Characteristics. Molecules 24, 1972. 10.3390/molecules24101972.
Laboratory of Nucleic Acids Biochemistry:
Aitmanaitė L, Konovalovas A, Medvedevas P, Servienė E, Serva S. Specificity Determination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Killer Virus Systems. Microorganisms. 2021 Jan 23;9(2):236.
Ravoitytė B, Lukša J, Yurchenko V, Serva S, Servienė E. Saccharomyces paradoxus Transcriptional Alterations in Cells of Distinct Phenotype and Viral dsRNA Content. Microorganisms. 2020 Nov 30;8(12):E1902.
Vepštaitė-Monstavičė I, Lukša J, Konovalovas A, Ežerskytė D, Stanevičienė R, Strazdaitė-Žielienė Ž, Serva S, Servienė E. Saccharomyces paradoxus K66 Killer System Evidences Expanded Assortment of Helper and Satellite Viruses. Viruses. 2018 Oct 16;10(10). pii: E564.
Lukša J, Vepštaitė-Monstavičė I, Yurchenko V, Serva S, Servienė E. High content analysis of sea buckthorn, black chokeberry, red and white currants microbiota - A pilot study. Food Res Int. 2018 Sep;111:597-606.
Algirdas Mikalkėnas, Bazilė Ravoitytė, Daiva Tauraitė, Elena Servienė, Rolandas Meškys & Saulius Serva (2018) Conjugation of phosphonoacetic acid to nucleobase promotes a mechanism-based inhibition, Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry, 33:1, 384-389.
Iglė Vepštaitė-Monstavičė, Juliana Lukša, Ramunė Stanevičienė, Živilė Strazdaitė-Žielienė, Vyacheslav Yurchenko, Saulius Serva, Elena Servienė, Distribution of apple and blackcurrant microbiota in Lithuania and the Czech Republic, Microbiological Research, Volume 206, 2018, Pages 1-8.
Grybchuk D, Akopyants NS, Kostygov AY, Konovalovas A, Lye LF, Dobson DE, Zangger H, Fasel N, Butenko A, Frolov AO, Votýpka J, d'Avila-Levy CM, Kulich P, Moravcová J, Plevka P, Rogozin IB, Serva S, Lukeš J, Beverley SM, Yurchenko V. Viral discovery and diversity in trypanosomatid protozoa with a focus on relatives of the human parasite Leishmania. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 Jan 16; 115(3):E506-E515.
Lukša J, Ravoitytė B, Konovalovas A, Aitmanaitė L, Butenko A, Yurchenko V, Serva S, Servienė E. Different Metabolic Pathways Are Involved in Response of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to L-A and M Viruses. Toxins (Basel). 2017 Jul 25;9(8).
Mikalkėnas A, Ravoitytė B, Tauraitė D, Serva S. 2017. Pyridone-based nucleotide analogues accepted for DNA biosynthesis. Biologija. 2017, v. 1, 42-48.
Molecular mechanisms of resistance to anticancer treatment:
Lysosome-targeted photodynamic treatment induces primary keratinocyte differentiation. Daugelaviciene N, Grigaitis P, Gasiule L, Dabkeviciene D, Neniskyte U, Sasnauskiene A. J Photochem Photobiol B. 2021 May;218:112183. doi: 10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2021.112183. Epub 2021 Mar 29. PMID: 33831753
Notch and Endometrial Cancer. Jonusiene V, Sasnauskiene A. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2021;1287:47-57. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-55031-8_4. PMID: 33034025 Review.
Exogenous interleukin-1α signaling negatively impacts acquired chemoresistance and alters cell adhesion molecule expression pattern in colorectal carcinoma cells HCT116. Grigaitis P, Jonusiene V, Zitkute V, Dapkunas J, Dabkeviciene D, Sasnauskiene A. Cytokine. 2019 Feb; 114:38-46. doi: 10.1016/j.cyto.2018.11.031. Epub 2018 Dec 22. PMID: 30583087
Significance of Notch and Wnt signaling for chemoresistance of colorectal cancer cells HCT116. Kukcinaviciute E, Jonusiene V, Sasnauskiene A, Dabkeviciene D, Eidenaite E, Laurinavicius A. J Cell Biochem. 2018 Jul;119(7):5913-5920. doi: 10.1002/jcb.26783. Epub 2018 Apr 10. PMID: 29637602
Effect of mTHPC-mediated photodynamic therapy on 5-fluorouracil resistant human colorectal cancer cells. Kukcinaviciute E, Sasnauskiene A, Dabkeviciene D, Kirveliene V, Jonusiene V. Photochem Photobiol Sci. 2017 Jul 1;16(7):1063-1070. doi: 10.1039/c7pp00014f. Epub 2017 May 16. PMID: 28509917
Molecular mechanisms of intracellular trafficking:
Kaipa JM, Starkuviene V, Erfle H, Eils R, Gladilin E. Transcriptome profiling reveals Silibinin dose-dependent response network in non-small lung cancer cells. PeerJ. 2020 Dec 16;8:e10373. doi: 10.7717/peerj.10373.
Liu, SJ; Majeed, W; Grigaitis, P; Betts, MJ; Climer, LK; Starkuviene, V; Storrie, B. Epistatic Analysis of the Contribution of Rabs and Kifs to CATCHR Family Dependent Golgi Organization. Front Cell Dev Bio, 2019, Aug 2;7:126. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2019.00126.
Starkuviene, V., Kallenberger, SM., Beil, N., Lisauskas, T., Schumacher, BS., Bulkescher, R., Wajda, P., Gunkel, M., Beneke, J., Erfle, H. (2019) High-Density Cell Arrays for Genome-Scale Phenotypic Screening. SLAS Discov. 2019 Mar;24(3):274-283. doi: 10.1177/2472555218818757.
Bulkescher, R., Starkuviene, V., & Erfle, H. (2017) Solid-phase reverse transfection for intracellular delivery of functionally active proteins. Genome Res. 2017 Oct;27(10):1752-1758. doi: 10.1101/gr.215103.
Gunkel, M., Erfle, H., & Starkuviene, V. (2016). High-Content Analysis of the Golgi Complex by Correlative Screening Microscopy. Methods Mol Biol, 111-121.
Employee |
Position |
Contacts |
Courses taugth |
List of Publications |
Head of Department, associate professor, researcher |
(+370) 5 239 8225 Saulėtekio al. 7, V235 kab. |
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Dr. Lina Aitmanaitė | Teaching assistant, research assistant |
(+370) 5 239 8242 Saulėtekio al. 7, C369 kab. |
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Dr. Julija Armalytė | Associate professor, Senior researcher |
(+370) 5 239 8230 Saulėtekio al. 7, C355 kab. |
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Jolanta Bagvilė | Junior administrator |
(+370) 5 223 4449 (+370) 5 239 8231 Saulėtekio al. 7, C143, C363 kab. |
Habil.dr. Eugenijus Butkus | Professor, Research professor |
Saulėtekio al. 7, C155 kab. |
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Dr. Daiva Dabkevičienė | Researcher |
(+370) 5 239 8224 Saulėtekio al. 7, V239 kab. |
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Dr. Violeta Jonušienė | Associate professor, researcher |
(+370) 5 239 8229 Saulėtekio al. 7, V241 kab. |
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Dr. Aleksandras Konovalovas | Assistant professor, researcher |
(+370) 5 239 8242 Saulėtekio al. 7, C369 kab. |
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Dr. Renatas Krasauskas | Researcher |
(+370) 5 239 8230 |
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Dr. Danutė Labeikytė | Associate professor, researcher |
(+370) 5 239 8228 Saulėtekio al. 7, V243 kab. |
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Dr. Arvydas Markuckas | Associate professor |
(+370) 5 239 8243 Saulėtekio al. 7, C353 kab. |
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Dr. Algirdas Mikalkėnas | Assistant professor, research assistant |
(+370) 5 239 8241 Saulėtekio al. 7, C369 kab. |
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Ramutė Pagalytė | Senior technician, project administrator |
(+370) 5 239 8231 Saulėtekio al. 7, R312 kab. |
Vida Piskarskienė | Laboratory technician |
(+370) 5 239 8224 Saulėtekio al. 7, V239 kab. |
Dr. Saulius Serva | Professor, Research professor |
(+370) 5 239 8244 Saulėtekio al. 7, C371 kab. |
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Dr. Jūratė Skerniškytė | Senior researcher |
(+370) 5 239 8230 |
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Prof. Vytautė Starkuvienė-Erfle | Professor |
(+370) 5 239 8225 Saulėtekio al. 7, V235 kab. |
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Dr. (HP) Kęstutis Sužiedėlis | Professor |
(+370) 5 239 8231 Saulėtekio al. 7, C363 kab. |
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Dr. Aurelijus Zimkus | Associate professor, Researcher |
(+370) 5 238 8241 Saulėtekio al. 7, C351 kab. |
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Zigmantas Žitkus | Lecturer |
(+370) 5 238 8241 Saulėtekio al. 7, C351 kab. |
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Visiting staff | ||||
Dr. Martina Rudgalvytė |
Assistant professor (Friburgo universitetas, Šveicarija) |
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Dr. Gražvydas Lukinavičius |
(Makso Planko biofizikinės chemijos institutas, Vokietija) |
Molecular Mechanisms of Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance and Pathogenesis:
Prof. Modestas Ružauskas (Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (The prevalence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the environment)).
Dr. Irina Buchovec (Vilnius University, Faculty of Physics (The application of light technologies in biomedicine and food safety, inactivation of pathogens using antimicrobial photodynamic therapy)).
Laboratory of Nucleic Acids Biochemistry:
Dr. Elena Servienė (Nature Research Center, Vilnius)
Dr. Dainius Martuzevičius (Kaunas University of Technology)
Dr. Vytautė Starkuvienė-Erfle (BioQuant, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany)
Dr. Vyacheslav Yurchenko (Life Science Research Centre, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic)
Dr. Martins Katkevics (Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis, Riga, Latvia)
Dr. Pavel Plevka (CEITEC, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic)
Molecular mechanisms of resistance to anticancer treatment:
Dr. Vida Časaitė (Institute of Biochemistry, Life Sciences Center, Vilnius University)
Dr. Eglė Preikšaitienė (Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University)
Dr. Vytautė Starkuvienė (BioQuant, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany)
Molecular mechanisms of intracellular trafficking:
Dr. R. Valiokas, FTMC
Prof. Dr. Med. M. Keese, University Mannheim Clinics, Heidelberg University
Prof. S. Serva, Vilnius University
Dr. A. Sasnauskienė, Vilnius University