Received Grants:
- The postdoc grant “Application of organic semiconductors in biological sensors and biofuel cells” (No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-02-0186) was funded by the European Social Fund, with a total project value of 72,249.38 Eur. The planned duration of the project was from 2017 to 2019, Chief Researcher and Project Leader.
- The project “An investigation and conductivity of new electropolymers based on carbazole moiety” (09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-15-0174) "Developing students' abilities by participating in scientific summer practice", funded by the European Social Fund with a total project value of 1,877.93 Eur. Duration was 2019-07-01 – 08-31, Project Leader.
- The project “Formation and application of functional self-assembled monolayers based on electroactive molecules on transparent electrodes” (3.3.-LMT-K-712-16-0260) "Developing students' abilities by participating in scientific summer practice", funded by the European Social Fund on with a total project value of 2,271.24 Eur. The duration was from 2019-10-15 till 2020-04-30, Project Leader.
- The project “Supramolecular recognition-based sensors for electro-detection of biomolecules” (P-MIP-20-329) Research Group Projects, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania with a total project value of 150,000 Eur. Duration is from 2020 to 2022, Project Leader.
- The project “Electrochemical Functionalization and Application of Glucose Oxidase in Glucose Biosensors" is carried out according to the LMT-supported activity direction "Student Research during Summer", from 07-01 to 08-31 in 2022. The estimate was 1,570.29 Eur, Project Leader.
- The project “Nanostructuring of biosensor for neurotransmitters" is carried out under the program "Student research during semesters", the term from 2023-10-02 to 2024-04-30. The estimate is EUR 4,800, Project Leader.
- The project “Characterization of Functionalized Enzymes in Organic Solvents by Mass-Spectrometry”, funded by Instruct-ERIC in 2024, PID: 29785.