Past Events
2023-04-21: Lithuania is world-famous for its personalities in a wide range of fields - artists, athletes, travellers. But do we know what high technologies have been developed in recent years by representatives of one of Lithuania's priority industries - life sciences? In order to inform the public about the potential of the Lithuanian life sciences sector, the Innovation Agency invites you to visit the LITHUANIAN LIFE SCIENCES INDUSTRY PERFORMANCE STAND! It presents 7 innovations in the field of health technologies and biotechnologies in an interactive way. Some of the solutions have already won national and international awards! Where? Vilnius University Life Sciences Centre, Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius. Until when? Until 10 May. Visit and explore innovation to make you even more proud of our Lithuania! The Lithuanian LSC Achievement Stand is one of the activities of the project "Promoting the Development of the Life Sciences Industry" implemented by the Innovation Agency. The aim of the project is to promote the life sciences industry, encourage knowledge transfer, technological progress, innovation, commercialisation and start-ups, and create an international image of Lithuania as a GMI country. The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund. |
This is the name of the exhibition of stamps, envelopes and postcards from the personal collections of Saulius Jakubėnas (1950-2020), an engineer and philatelist from Vilnius. This is only a part of the large collection that S. Jakubėnas assembled during the twenty years of Lithuania's independence. The exposition includes 140 stamps, 46 envelopes and 49 postcards depicting animals, plants, mushrooms and nature images. The collection has been borrowed by the relatives to the VU Life Sciences Centre community in order to make it available to see as many people as possible, especially students. We invite you to take a broad look at the exhibition - through the eyes of an artist, a naturalist and a historian. The exhibition is organized by Audronė Meldžiukienė, Rima Briškaitė ir Mindaugas Rasimavičius of the VU LSC Institute of Biosciences. Many thanks to them! |
2022-03-31 / 2022-05-31: VU 443: Exhibition of illustrations of the magazine "Spectrum" in the Great Yard of Vilnius University.