Upcoming Events
March 3, 2025:
MONIKA GRUBLIAUSKAITĖ will present her dissertation “Development of reproductive tissue transplantation in vivo and maturation in vitro methods” to the LSC community. Scientific supervisor – dr. Živilė Gudlevičienė. Presentation will be in Lithuanian. VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius) R401 auditorium at 2 pm. Link for remote connection: https://tinyurl.com/42hmjxzb.
March 6, 2025:
MARGARITA ŽVIRBLĖ will present her dissertation “Evaluation of molecular prostate cancer biomarkers for disease prognosis and treatment prediction” to the LSC community. Scientific supervisor – dr. Vita Pašukonienė. Presentation will be in English. VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius) R401 auditorium at 10 am. Link for remote connection: https://tinyurl.com/yc4hkjyj.
March 7, 2025:
KRISTINA ŽUKAUSKAITĖ will defend her thesis entitled "Impact of Gastrointestinal Cancer Therapies on the Gut Microbiome: Findings from Clinical Studies and an In Vitro Modelling" for the degree of Doctor of Science in Biology.
The dissertation was prepared in 2021-2025 at the Institute of Biosciences, Life Sciences Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania, and the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Graz Medical University, Graz, Austria.
Research was supported by a grant from Vilnius University.
Scientific supervisor:
Prof. Dr. Sonata Jarmalaitė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biology - N 010).
Scientific supervisor:
Dr. Angela Horvath (Medical University of Graz, Austrija, Medical and Health Sciences, Medicine – M 001)
Composition of the Dissertation Defence Board:
Chairperson - prof. dr. Eglė Lastauskienė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biology - N 010);
dr. Aurelijus Burokas (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biology - N 010);
dr. Daiva Dabkevisienė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biology - N 010);
prof. dr. Barbara Obermayer-Pietsch (Medical University of Graz, Austrija, Medical and Health Sciences, Medicine – M 001);
prof. dr. Tomas Poškus (Vilnius University, Medical and Health Sciences, Medicine – M 001).
The PhD will be held in the auditorium R401 of the VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius) - 1:00 pm.
The dissertation can be viewed at the Vilnius University Library and on the website at: Doctoral dissertation;
Presentation will be in English. Link for remote connection: https://tinyurl.com/3vdxsrak.
March 31, 2025:
JUSTAS VAITEKŪNAS will defend his thesis entitled "Enzymatic Degradation of Pyridine and Pyridinols" for the degree of Doctor of Science in Biochemistry.
The dissertation was prepared in 2010-2014 at Vilnius University. The dissertation is defended externally.
Scientific supervisor:
Prof. Dr. Rolandas Meškys (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004).
Composition of the Dissertation Defence Board:
Chairperson - dr. Julija Armalytė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004);
Dr. Gražvydas Lukinavičius (Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Germany, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004),
Dr. Inga Matijošytė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004),
Dr. Dalius Ratautas (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004),
Prof. Dr. Saulius Serva (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004).
The PhD will be held in the auditorium R401 of the VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius) - 1:00 pm.
The dissertation can be viewed at the Vilnius University Library and on the website at: Doctoral dissertation;
Presentation will be in Lithuanian. Link for remote connection: https://tinyurl.com/4pne9kr8.
Past Events
February 21, 2025:
MARTYNA KOPLŪNAITĖ will defend her thesis entitled "Chemoenzymatic synthesis of nucleoside 5'-monophosphates" for the degree of Doctor of Science in Biochemistry.
The dissertation was prepared in 2020-2024 at Vilnius University, Life Sciences Centre, Department of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology.
Scientific supervisors:
Dr. Daiva Tauraitė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004). From 2020-10-01 till 2021-11-30;
Prof. Dr. Rolandas Meškys (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004). From 2021-12-01 till 2024-09-30.
Composition of the Dissertation Defence Board:
Chairperson - dr. Julija Armalytė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biology – N 010);
dr. Renata Gudiukaitė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biology – N 010);
dr. Mantas Mališauskas (Lundbeck, Denmark, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004);
prof. dr. Saulius Serva (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004);
dr. Asta Zubrienė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biohemistry – N 004).
The PhD will be held in the auditorium R401 of the VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius) - 2:00 pm.
The dissertation can be viewed at the Vilnius University Library and on the website at: Doctoral dissertation;
Presentation will be in Lithuanian. Link for remote connection: https://tinyurl.com/mup27tpx.
February 6, 2025:
RAPOLAS JAMONTAS will defend his thesis entitled "Demodification by TudS Proteins: From Individual Thionucleobases to Intact tRNA" for the degree of Doctor of Science in Biochemistry.
The dissertation was prepared in 2020-2024 at Vilnius University, Life Sciences Centre.
Scientific supervisors:
Prof. Dr. Rolandas Meškys (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004). From 2020-10-01 till 2023-12-18;
Dr. Agota Aučynaitė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004). From 2023-12-19 till 2024-09-30.
Scientific consultants:
Dr. Agota Aučynaitė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004). From 2020-10-01 till 2023-12-18;
Prof. Dr. Rolandas Meškys (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004). From 2023-12-19 till 2024-09-30.
Composition of the Dissertation Defense Board:
Chairperson - prof. dr. Eglė Lastauskienė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biology – N 010);
dr. Dukas Jurėnas (French National Centre for Scientific Research, France, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004);
dr. Patrick Pausch (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004);
dr. Jūratė Skerniškytė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004);
dr. Miglė Tomkuvienė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004).
The PhD will be held in the auditorium R401 of the VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius) - 10:00 am.
The dissertation can be viewed at the Vilnius University Library and on the website at: Doctoral dissertation;
Presentation will be in English. Link for remote connection: https://tinyurl.com/c4ecscyk.
January 31, 2025:
RAMINTA BAUŠYTĖ will defend her thesis entitled "Characterization of human endometrial mesenchymal stem/stromal cells and their therapeutic application in in vivo models of fertility disorders" for the degree of Doctor of Science in Biochemistry.
The dissertation was prepared between 2018–2024 at the Vilnius University, Life Sciences Center, Institute of Biochemistry (Vilnius, Lithuania).
The dissertation is interdisciplinary, prepared at the intersection of Biochemistry (N 004) and Medicine (M 001) Sciences.
The research was supported by the Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA) under the Eureka International Programme funded project "Advanced Technologies for Innovative Treatment of Infertility", No 01.2.2-MITA-K-702-12-0004, 2021-2023.
Scientific supervisor:
Prof. Dr. Rūta Navakauskienė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biohemistry – N 004).
Scientific consultant:
Prof. dr. Diana Ramašauskaitė (Vilnius University, Medical and Health Sciences, Medicine – M 001).
Composition of the Dissertation Defense Board:
Chairperson - Prof. Dr. Edita Sužiedėlienė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004);
prof. dr. Daiva Baltriukienė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biohemistry – N 004).
prof. dr. Gediminas Čepinskas (Centre for Critical Illness Research, Canada, Natural Sciences, Biohemistry – N 004),
prof. dr. Janina Tutkuvienė (Vilnius University, Medical and Health Sciences, Medicine – M 001),
doc. dr. Jolita Zakarevičienė (Vilnius University, Medical and Health Sciences, Medicine – M 001).
The PhD will be held in the auditorium R401 of the VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius) - 13:00 pm.
The dissertation can be viewed at the Vilnius University Library and on the website at: Doctoral dissertation;
Presentation will be in Lithuanian. Link for remote connection: https://tinyurl.com/23aunvu4.
January 29, 2025:
IRMANTAS MOGILA will defend his thesis entitled "Mechanistic studies of type III CRISPR-Cas activity regulation and characterization of associated translation-inhibiting effectors" for the degree of Doctor of Science in Biochemistry.
The dissertation was prepared in 2018-2024 at Vilnius University, Life Sciences Centre, Institute of Biotechnology. The research was funded by the Lithuanian Science Council. The dissertation is defended externally.
Scientific supervisors:
Dr. Gintautas Tamulaitis (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004);
Prof. Dr. Virginijus Šikšnys (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004);
Dr. Giedrė Tamulaitienė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004).
Composition of the Dissertation Defense Board:
Chairperson - prof. dr. Saulius Serva (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004);
dr. Vasili Hauryliuk (Lund University, Sweden, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004);
dr. Patrick Pausch (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004);
prof. dr. Edita Sužiedėlienė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004);
dr. Marijonas Tutkus (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biophysics – N 011).
The PhD will be held in the auditorium R401 of the VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius) - 10:00 am.
The dissertation can be viewed at the Vilnius University Library and on the website at: Doctoral dissertation;
Presentation will be in English. Link for remote connection: https://tinyurl.com/42h46kry.
January 28, 2025:
KRISTINA ŽUKAUSKAITĖ will present her dissertation “Impact of Gastrointestinal Cancer Therapies on the Gut Microbiome: Findings from Clinical Studies and an In Vitro Modelling” to Biological sciences committee. Scientific supervisor – prof. dr. Sonata Jarmalaitė. Presentation will be in English. Time: 10 am. Link for remote connection: https://tinyurl.com/bemwar32.
January 22, 2025:
JUSTAS VAITEKŪNAS will present his dissertation “Study of Enzymes Involved in Pyridine and Pyridinoles Degradation” to Biochemistry sciences committee. Scientific supervisor – prof. dr. Rolandas Meškys. Presentation will be in Lithuanian. Time: 13 pm. Link for remote connection: https://tinyurl.com/yc4vw7c4.
January 15, 2025:
LAURA ŠIAULIENĖ will defend her thesis entitled "Investigation of cytogenetic and epigenetic markers in lymphocytes from diabetic patients" for the degree of Doctor of Science in Biology.
The dissertation was prepared in 2018-2023 at Vilnius University, Life Sciences Centre, Institute of Biosciences.
Scientific supervisor:
Prof. Habil. Dr. Juozas Rimantas Lazutka (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biology – N 010).
Scientific consultant:
Doc. Dr. Žydrūnė Visockienė (Vilnius University, Medical and Health Sciences, Medicine – M 001)
Composition of the Dissertation Defence Board:
Chairperson - prof. dr. Eglė Lastauskienė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biology – N 010);
Prof. dr. Laima Ambrozaitytė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biology – N 010);
Prof. dr. Vytautas Kasiulevičius (Vilnius University, Medical and Health Sciences, Medicine – M 001);
Doc. dr. Jurga Laurenčikienė (Karolinska Institute, Sweden, Natural Sciences, Biology – N 010);
Prof. dr. Donatas Žvingila (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biology – N 010).
The PhD will be held in the auditorium R401 of the VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius) - 1:00 pm.
The dissertation can be viewed at the Vilnius University Library and on the website at: Doctoral dissertation;
Presentation will be in Lithuanian. Link for remote connection: https://tinyurl.com/yfm3n6v2.
December 20, 2024:
IRMANTAS MOGILA will present his dissertation “Mechanistic studies of type III CRISPR-Cas activity regulation and characterization of associated translation-inhibiting effectors” to Biohemistry sciences committee. Scientific supervisor – dr. Gintautas Tamulaitis. Presentation will be in English. Time: 12 pm. Link for remote connection: https://tinyurl.com/cc8txbfn.
December 17, 2024:
MILDA BABONAITĖ will defend her thesis entitled "Assessment of Nanoparticle Genotoxicity and its Cellular Uptake by Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells" for the degree of Doctor of Science in Biology.
The dissertation was prepared in 2019-2023 at Vilnius University, Life Sciences Centre, Institute of Biosciences, Department of Genetics and Botany.
Scientific supervisor:
Prof. Habil. Dr. Juozas Rimantas Lazutka (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biology - N 010).
Composition of the Dissertation Defence Board:
Chairperson - doc. dr. Raimondas Šiukšta (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biology - N 010);
doc. dr. Tatjana Čėsnienė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biology - N 010);
dr. Naouale El Yamani (Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Norway, Natural Sciences, Biology - N 010);
prof. dr. Eglė Lastauskienė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biology - N 010);
dr. Milda Stankevičiūtė (Naturė Research Centre, Natural Sciences, Biology - N 010).
The PhD will be held in the auditorium R403 of the VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius) - 10:00 am.
The dissertation can be viewed at the Vilnius University Library and on the website at: Doctoral dissertation;
Presentation will be in English. Link for remote connection: https://tinyurl.com/8jst8334.
December 13, 2024:
JURIJ DANILOV will present his dissertation “Biosystematic studies of the aphid (Hemiptera, Sternorrhyncha: Aphididae) tribe Eulachnini Baker, 1920 in Lithuania” to Biology sciences committee. Scientific consultant – dr. Jekaterina Havelka. Presentation will be in Lithuanian. Time: 1 pm. Link for remote connection: https://tinyurl.com/45t3frt3.
December 12, 2024:
LAURA ŠIAULIENĖ will present her dissertation “Investigation of cytogenetic and epigenetic markers in lymphocytes from diabetic patients” to Biology sciences committee. Scientific supervisor – prof. habil. dr. Juozas Rimantas Lazutka. Presentation will be in Lithuanian. Time: 3 pm. Link for remote connection: https://tinyurl.com/5n8xut6x.
December 12, 2024:
DAINA BUJANAUSKIENĖ will defend her thesis entitled "Molecular profiling of synapses during brain circuit refinement" for the degree of Doctor of Science in Biohemistry.
Dissertation was prepared in 2018-2024 at Vilnius University, Life Sciences Centre. The research was supported by the European Regional Development Fund (Funding No. 01.2.2-CPVA-V-716-01-0001) with the Central Project Management Agency (CPMA), private funding from Realinija UAB and the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation (BIF).
Scientific supervisor:
Prof. Dr. Urtė Neniškytė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biohemistry - N 004).
Composition of the Dissertation Defence Board:
Chairperson - prof. dr. Vilmantė Borutaitė (Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Natural Sciences, Biohemistry - N 004);
dr. Etienne Herzog (Bordeaux University, France, Natural Sciences, Biophysics – N 011);
dr. Giancarlo Russo (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004);
dr. Giedrius Steponaitis (Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Natural Sciences, Biology – N 010);
dr. Giedrė Valiulienė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004).
The PhD will be held in the auditorium R401 of the VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius) - 1:00 pm.
The dissertation can be viewed at the Vilnius University Library and on the website at: Doctoral dissertation;
Presentation will be in English. Link for remote connection: https://tinyurl.com/29p5nzpy.
December 6, 2024:
DEIMANTĖ ŽUKAUSKAITĖ will defend her thesis entitled "Investigating the role of epigenetic factors and their alterations in the functioning of the female reproductive system" for the degree of Doctor of Science in Biochemistry.
Dissertation was prepared in 2019-2023 at Vilnius University, Life Sciences Centre, Institute of Biochemistry, Department of Cell Molecular Biology.
Scientific supervisor:
Prof. Dr. Rūta Navakauskienė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biohemistry - N 004).
Composition of the Dissertation Defence Board:
Chairperson - prof. habil. dr. Juozas Rimantas Lazutka (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biology, N 010);
prof. dr. Dalia Baršytė-Lovejoy (Toronto University, Canada, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004);
dr. Augustas Pivoriūnas (Inovative Medicine Centre, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004);
doc. dr. Aušra Sasnauskienė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004);
dr. Egidijus Šimoliūnas (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004).
The PhD will be held in the auditorium R401 of the VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius) - 1:00 pm.
The dissertation can be viewed at the Vilnius University Library and on the website at: Doctoral dissertation;
Presentation will be in Lithuanian. Link for remote connection: https://tinyurl.com/2ndwp7h4.
November 21, 2024:
BRIGITA VAIGAUSKAITĖ-MAŽEIKIENĖ will defend her thesis entitled "Identification of ovarian follicular fluid cells and molecular factors and investigation of their possible use in reproductive medicine" for the degree of Doctor of Science in Biochemistry.
The dissertation was prepared between 2019 and 2023 at the Vilnius University, Life Sciences Center, Institute of Biochemistry (Vilnius, Lithuania).
Scientific supervisor:
Prof. dr. Rūta Navakauskienė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biohemistry - N 004).
Scientific onsultant:
Doc. dr. Edita Kazėnaitė (Vilnius University, Medical and Health Sciences, Medicine - M 001).
Composition of the Dissertation Defence Board:
Chairperson - Prof. Dr. Sonata Jarmalaitė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biology, N 010);
prof. dr. Dainius Characiejus (Vilnius University, Medical and Health Sciences, Medicine - M 001).
prof. dr. Gediminas Čepinskas (Centre for Critical Illness Research, Canada, Natural Sciences, Biohemistry - N 004),
prof. dr. Laima Maleckienė (Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Medical and Health Sciences, Medicine - M 001),
prof. dr. Kęstutis Sužiedėlis (Nacional Cancer Institute, Natural Sciences, Biohemistry - N 004).
The PhD will be held in the auditorium R401 of the VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius) - 14:30 pm.
The dissertation can be viewed at the Vilnius University Library and on the website at: Doctoral dissertation;
Presentation will be in Lithuanian. Link for remote connection: https://tinyurl.com/3ajxafwn.
November 13, 2024:
KRISTINA ŽUKAUSKAITĖ will present her dissertation “Impact of Gastrointestinal Cancer Therapies on the Gut Microbiome: Findings from Clinical Studies and an In Vitro Modelling” to LSC community. Scientific supervisor – prof. dr. Sonata Jarmalaitė. Presentation will be in English. Time: 2 pm. Link for remote connection: https://tinyurl.com/dcy84e7k.
November 8, 2024:
MILDA BABONAITĖ will present her dissertation “Assessment of the cellular delivery and genotoxicity of plastic, silicon and metal nanoparticles” to Biology sciences committee. Scientific supervisor – prof. habil. dr. Juozas Rimantas Lazutka. Presentation will be in Lithuanian. Time: 9 am. Link for remote connection: https://tinyurl.com/5c8d8hmf.
October 18, 2024:
INGA KILDUŠIENĖ will present her dissertation “Clinical significance of genomic instability in precancerous and cancerous colorectal pathology” to LSC community. Scientific supervisor – dr. Giedrė Smailytė. The PhD will be presented in the auditorium R401 of the VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius) - 10 am. Presentation will be in Lithuanian.
October 11, 2024:
RAPOLAS JAMONTAS will present his dissertation “Demodification by TudS Proteins: From Individual Thionucleobases to Intact tRNA” to LSC community. Scientific supervisor – dr. Agota Aučynaitė. The PhD will be presented in the auditorium R401 of the VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius) - 10 am. Presentation will be in English.
October 4, 2024:
ALGIRDAS ŽALIMAS will defend his thesis entitled "Molecular and clinical prognostic indicators of kidney cancer" for the degree of Doctor of Science in Biology.
The dissertation was prepared between 2017 and 2023 at the National Cancer Institute (Vilnius, Lithuania) and Vilnius University, Life Sciences Center (Vilnius, Lithuania). The research was partially supported by Research Council of Lithuania, Nr. S-MIP-17/54 (Prof. Sonata Jarmalaite).
Scientific supervisor:
Prof. Dr. Sonata Jarmalaitė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biology- N 010).
Composition of the Dissertation Defence Board:
Chairperson - Prof. Dr. Rūta Navakauskienė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry - N 004);
Prof. Habil. Dr. Juozas Rimantas Lazutka (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biology, N 010);
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dalia Barsyte-Lovejoy (University of Toronto, Canada, Natural Sciences, Biology, N 010);
Prof. Dr. Tomas Poškus (Vilnius University, Medicine and Health Sciences, Medicine, M 001);
Prof. Dr. Arunas Želvys (Vilnius University, Medicine and Health Sciences, Medicine, M 001).
The PhD will be held in the auditorium R401 of the VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius) - 13 pm.
The dissertation can be viewed at the Vilnius University Library and on the website at: Doctoral dissertation;
Link for remote connection: https://tinyurl.com/474yctmn.
October 4, 2024:
MARTYNA KOPLŪNAITĖ will present her dissertation “Chemoenzymatic synthesis ofnucleoside 5'-monophosphates” to LSC community. Scientific supervisor – prof. dr. Rolandas Meškys. The PhD will be presented in the auditorium R401 of the VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius) - 11 am. Presentation will be in Lithuanian.
September 27, 2024:
AISTĖ LEKOVECKAITĖ will defend her thesis entitled "Beetles (Insecta, Coleoptera) in the Second Decay Stage of the Most Common Lithuanian Deciduous Tree Species" for the degree of Doctor of Science in Zoology.
The dissertation was prepared in 2019-2023 at the Institute of Biology, Vilnius University, Centre for Life Sciences.
Scientific supervisor:
Prof. Dr. Virginija Podėnienė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Zoology - N 014).
Composition of the Dissertation Defence Board:
Chairperson - Prof. Dr. Kęstutis Arbačiauskas (Nature Research Center, Natural Sciences, Ecology and Environmental Sciences – N 012);
Doc. Dr. Laima Blažytė-Čereškienė (Nature Research Center, Natural Sciences, Biology - N 010);
Prof. Dr. Olavi Kurina (Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tartu, Estonia, Natural Sciences, Zoology– N 014);
Dr. Norbertas Noreika (Nature Research Center, Natural Sciences, Biology - N 010);
Prof. Dr. Virginijus Sruoga (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Zoology - N 014).
The PhD will be held in the auditorium R401 of the VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius) - 13 pm.
The dissertation can be viewed at the Vilnius University Library and on the website at: Doctoral dissertation;
Link for remote connection: https://tinyurl.com/3c9mu88p.
September 13, 2024:
DEIMANTĖ ŽUKAUSKAITĖ will present her dissertation “Investigating the role of epigenetic factors and their alterations in the functioning of the female reproductive system” to LSC community. Scientific supervisor – prof. dr. Rūta Navakauskienė. The PhD will be presented in the auditorium R406 of the VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius) - 11 am. Presentation will be in Lithuanian.
September 6, 2024:
RAMINTA BAUŠYTĖ will present her dissertation “Characterization of human endometrial mesenchymal stem/stromal cells and their therapeutic application in in vivo models of fertility disorders” to LSC community. Scientific supervisor – prof. dr. Rūta Navakauskienė. The PhD will be presented in the auditorium R401 of the VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius) - 11 am. Presentation will be in Lithuanian. Link to join: https://tinyurl.com/4x3rbznr.
August 27, 2024:
VILIUS MALŪNAVIČIUS will defend his thesis entitled "Phenotype-genotype space studies of Geobacillus lipolytic enzymes and application to polyester degradation" for the degree of Doctor of Science in Biology.
The dissertation was prepared in 2019-2023 at the Institute of Biology, Vilnius University, Centre for Life Sciences.
Scientific supervisor:
Doc. Dr. Renata Gudiukaitė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biology - N 010).
Composition of the Dissertation Defence Board:
Chairperson - Prof. Dr. Rolandas Meškys (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biohemistry - N 004);
Doc. Dr. Julija Armalytė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biology - N 010);
Prof. Dr. Romas J. Kazlauskas (University of Minnesota Twin Cities, College of Biological Sciences, Natural Sciences, Biology - N 010);
Prof. Dr. Elena Servienė (Nature Research Center, Natural Sciences, Biology - N 010);
Doc. Dr. Jolanta Sereikaitė (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Technological sciences, Chemical engineering - T 005).
The PhD will be held in the auditorium R401 of the VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius) - 3 pm.
The dissertation can be viewed at the Vilnius University Library and on the website at: Doctoral dissertation;
Link for remote connection: https://tinyurl.com/4tntveyr.
August 28, 2024:
VILMANTAS PUPKIS will defend his thesis entitled "Electrophysiological investigation of macroalgae Nitellopsis obtusa membrane Ca2+ transport systems" for the degree of Doctor of Science in Biophysics.
The dissertation was prepared in 2019-2023 at the Institute of Biology, Vilnius University, Centre for Life Sciences.
Scientific supervisor:
Dr. Vilma Kisnierienė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biophysics - N 011).
Composition of the Dissertation Defence Board:
Chairperson - Prof. Dr. Saulius Šatkauskas (Vytautas Magnus University, Natural Sciences, Biophysics - N 011);
Prof. Dr. Aidas Alaburda (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biophysics - N 011);
Prof. Dr. Romas J. Kazlauskas (University of Minnesota Twin Cities, College of Biological Sciences, Natural Sciences, Biophysics - N 011);
Doc. Dr. Robertas Guzulaitis (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biophysics - N 011);
Prof. Dr. Daumantas Matulis (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry - N 004).
The PhD will be held in the auditorium R401 of the VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius) - 3:30 pm.
The dissertation can be viewed at the Vilnius University Library and on the website at: Doctoral dissertation;
Link for remote connection: https://tinyurl.com/mrc9k39b.
July 2, 2024:
2024-07-02, 3 pm, VILIUS MALŪNAVIČIUS will present his dissertation “Phenotype-genotype space studies of Geobacillus lipolytic enzymes and application to polyester degradation” in the meeting of the Biological Sciences Committee. Scientific supervisor – doc. dr. Renata Gudiukaitė. Presentation will be in Lithuanian. Link to join: https://tinyurl.com/2zucr5d8.
July 4, 2024:
KOTRYNA ČEKUOLYTĖ will defend her thesis entitled "Potential Antimicrobial Mechanism of Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized by Thermophilic Geobacillus Genus Bacteria" for the degree of Doctor of Science in Biology.
The dissertation was prepared in 2019-2023 at the Institute of Biology, Vilnius University, Centre for Life Sciences.
The research was supported by the Lithuanian Council of Sciences, PhD project No. KD-19142 ("Analysis of the Geobacillus sp. Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles Mechanisms of Action on the Biocontrol of Pathogenic Skin Microbiota").
Scientific supervisor:
prof. dr. Eglė Lastauskienė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biology - N 010).
Composition of the Dissertation Defence Board:
Chairperson - Doc. dr. Raimondas Šiukšta (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biology - N 010);
Dr. Kaja Kasemets (National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Tallinn, Estonia, Natural Sciences, Biology - N 010);
Prof. dr. Nomeda Kuisienė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biology - N 010);
Dr. Rasa Petraitytė-Burneikienė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004);
Dr. Živilė Strazdaitė-Žielienė (Nature Research Center, Natural Sciences, Biology - N 010).
The PhD will be held in the auditorium R105 of the VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius) - 11 am.
The dissertation can be viewed at the Vilnius University Library and on the website at: Doctoral dissertation;
Link for remote connection: https://tinyurl.com/3yx69h7b.
June 26, 2024:
BRIGITA VAIGAUSKAITĖ-MAŽEIKIENĖ will present her dissertation "Identification of ovarian stem cells and molecular factors and investigation of their potential applications in reproductive medicine" to LSC community. Scientific supervisor – prof. dr. Rūta Navakauskienė. The PhD will be presented in the auditorium R102 of the VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius) - 1 pm. The presentation will be given in Lithuanian.
June 13, 2024:
2024-06-13, 12 pm, ALGIRDAS ŽALIMAS will present his dissertation “Prognostic molecular biomarker of renal cancer” in the meeting of the Biological Sciences Committee. Scientific supervisor – prof. dr. Sonata Jarmalaitė. Presentation will be in Lithuanian. Link to join: https://tinyurl.com/yhy6hnjc.
June 12, 2024:
VILMANTAS PUPKIS will present his dissertation "Electrophysiological investigation of macroalgae Nitellopsis obtusa membrane Ca2+ transport systems" in the meeting of the Biophysics Sciences Committee. Scientific supervisor – Dr. Vilma Kisnierienė. The PhD will be presented in the auditorium R401 of the VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius) - 11 am. The presentation will be given in Lithuanian.
June 3, 2024:
DAINA BUJANAUSKIENĖ will present her dissertation "Molecular profiling of synapses during brain circuit refinement" to LSC community. Scientific supervisor – Dr. Urtė Neniškytė. The PhD will be presented in the auditorium R401 of the VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius) - 2 pm. The presentation will be given in English.
May 31, 2024:
2024-05-31 VILIUS MALŪNAVIČIUS will present his dissertation “Phenotype-genotype space studies of Geobacillus lipolytic enzymes and application to polyester degradation” to LSC community. Scientific supervisor – doc. dr. Renata Gudiukaitė. The PhD will be presented in the auditorium R401 of the VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius) - 12 pm. Presentation will be in Lithuanian. Link for remote connection: https://tinyurl.com/2w9njbkh.
May 23, 2024:
2024-05-23, 10 am, KOTRYNA ČEKUOLYTĖ will present her dissertation “Potential Antimicrobial Mechanism of Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized by Thermophilic Geobacillus Genus Bacteria” in the meeting of the Biological Sciences Committee. Scientific supervisor – prof. dr. Eglė Lastauskienė. Presentation will be in English. Link to join: https://tinyurl.com/bdh3hr9s.
May 14, 2024:
EVELINA KAZLAUSKĖ will defend her thesis entitled "Cellular uptake and accumulation studies of functionalized upconverting nanoparticles" for the degree of Doctor of Science in Biophysics.
The dissertation was prepared in 2019-2023 at the Institute of Biosciences, Vilnius University, Centre for Life Sciences.
The experimental work was carried out at the Biomedical Physics Laboratory of the National Cancer Institute. Scholarships were received from the Lithuanian Research Council in 2023 for the results of doctoral studies and for academic trips of doctoral students. The research was also supported by the National Cancer Institute's Science Foundation.
Scientific supervisor:
prof. dr. Ričardas Rotomskis (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biophysics - N 011).
Scientific consultant:
dr Vitalijus Karabanovas (National Cancer Institute, Natural Sciences, Biophysics - N 011).
Composition of the Dissertation Defence Board:
Chairperson - Prof. Dr. Osvaldas Rukšėnas (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biophysics - N 011);
Prof. Dr. Aidas Alaburda (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biophysics - N 011);
Dr. Agata Mlynska (National Cancer Institute, Natural Sciences, Biology - N 010);
Dr. Lina Mikoliūnaitė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Chemistry - N 003);
Dr. Vladimir Sivakov (Leibniz Institute, Germany, Natural Sciences, Biophysics - N 011).
The PhD will be held in the auditorium R401 of the VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius) - 10 am.
The dissertation can be viewed at the Vilnius University Library and on the website at: Doctoral dissertation;
Link for remote connection: https://tinyurl.com/4ms57kn5.
April 24, 2024:
VILMANTĖ ŽITKUTĖ will defend her thesis entitled "The analysis of the molecular mechanisms of resistance to 5-fluorouracil and oxaliplatin in human colorectal carcinoma cells" for the degree of Doctor of Science in Biochemistry.
The dissertation was prepared in 2017–2021 at Vilnius University, Life Sciences Center.
The research was supported by the Lithuanian Science Council (SEN-17/2015 and P-DAP-19-126), Vilnius University Science Promotion Fund (MSF-JM-2/2021).
Scientific supervisor:
Dr. Aušra Sasnauskienė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004);
Composition of the Dissertation Defence Board:
Chairperson - Prof. dr. Daiva Baltriukienė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004);
Dr. Veronika Viktorija Borutinskaitė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004);
Dr. Lina Prasmickaitė (Oslo University Hospital, Norway, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004);
Prof. dr. Kęstutis Sužiedėlis (National Cancer Institute, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004);
Dr. Giedrius Vilkaitis (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004).
The PhD will be held in the auditorium R401 of the VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius) - 14 pm.
The dissertation can be viewed at the Vilnius University Library and on the website at: Doctoral dissertation;
Link for remote connection: https://tinyurl.com/4avuh9dc.
March 22, 2024:
INA GORBAN will defend her thesis entitled "Bibionomorpha and Tipulomorpha (Diptera: Nematocera) flies in the most common deciduous dead wood" for the degree of Doctor of Science in Zoology.
The dissertation was prepared in 2017–2021 at Vilnius University, Life Sciences Center.
Scientific supervisor:
Prof. dr. Virginija Podėnienė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Zoology – N 014);
Composition of the Dissertation Defence Board:
February 29, 2024:
EDVARDAS GOLOVINAS will defend his thesis entitled "Structural and Biochemical Studies of an Argonaute and its Associated Protein from Archaeoglobus fulgidus" for the degree of Doctor of Science in Biochemistry.
The dissertation was prepared in 2017–2024 at Vilnius University, Life Sciences Center, Institute of Biotechnology.
Scientific supervisors:
Dr. Elena Manakova (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004);
Dr. Mindaugas Zaremba (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry – N 004).
Composition of the Dissertation Defence Board:
Link for remote connection: http://tinyurl.com/f8v9u8jj.
December 29, 2023:
AUGUSTINAS MATULEVIČIUS will defend his thesis entitled "Next-generation imaging technologies and genetic tests for clinically relevant prostate cancer" for the degree of Doctor of Science in Biology.
The dissertation was prepared in 2018–2022 at Vilnius University. Supported by Vilnius University, LSC and NSI.
Scientific supervisor -Prof. Dr. Feliksas Jankevičius (Vilnius University, Medical and Health Sciences, Medicine - M 001),
Scientific consultant - Prof. Dr. Sonata Jarmalaitė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biology - N 010).
Composition of the Dissertation Defence Board:
Link for remote connection: https://tinyurl.com/5n7vrc9j.
December 20, 2023:
WENMING LIANG will defend his thesis entitled "The links of respiration with physical fitness, muscle tension, and executive functioning" for the degree of Doctor of Science in Biophysics.
Scientific supervisor - Prof. Dr. Osvaldas Rukšėnas (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biophysics - N 011),
Composition of the Dissertation Defence Board:
October 27, 2023:
AISTĖ SLIŽIENĖ will defend her thesis entitled "New monoclonal antibodies for fish allergen detection and testing" for the degree of Doctor of Science in Chemical Engineering.
The PhD will be held in the auditorium R401 of the VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius) - 2 pm.
The research was supported by the Research Council of Lithuania.
Scientific supervisor - Dr. Aurelija Žvirblienė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Chemical Engineering - T 005),
Composition of the Dissertation Defence Board:
Prof. Dr. Rimantas Daugelavičius - Chairperson of the Board (Vytautas Magnus University, Technological Sciences, Chemical Engineering - T 005),
Dr. Rima Budvytytė (Vilnius University, Technological Sciences, Chemical Engineering - T 005),
Prof. Dr. Rūta Dubakienė (Vilnius University, Medical and Health Sciences, Medicine - M 001),
Dr. Algirdas Greivys (Thermo Fisher Scientific R&D, Oslo, Norway, Technology Sciences, Chemical Engineering - T 005),
Dr. Gintautas Tamulaitis (Vilnius University, Technological Sciences, Chemical Engineering - T 005).
The dissertation can be viewed at the Vilnius University Library and on the website at: https://tinyurl.com/2p955mhs
Link for remote connection: https://tinyurl.com/2tsepj7x
September 29, 2023:
DENISAS DANKINAS will defend his thesis entitled "Application of Artificial Intelligence for the Separation of Schizophrenic Patients from Healthy Subjects Using Response Preparation and Simulation Inhibition Estimates" for the degree of Doctor of Science in Biophysics.
The PhD will be held in the auditorium R401 of the VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius) - 13:00.
The dissertation was carried out in 2011–2023 at Vilnius University and Vilnius Psychiatric Hospital.
The research was supported by the Research Council of Lithuania.
Scientific supervisor - Dr. Kastytis Dapšys (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biophysics - N 011),
Composition of the Dissertation Defence Board:
Prof. Dr. Aidas Alaburda - Chairman of the Board (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biophysics - N 011),
Prof. Dr. Aleksandr Bulatov (Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Natural Sciences, Biology - N 010),
Dr. Inga Griškova-Bulanova (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biophysics - N 011),
Dr. Roma Šiugždaitė (University of Antwerp, Natural Sciences, Computer Science - N 009),
Dr. Vladas Valiulis (Vilnius Republican Psychiatric Hospital, Natural Sciences, Biophysics - N 011).
The dissertation can be viewed at the Vilnius University Library and on the website at: http://www.vu.lt/lt/naujienos/ivykiu-kalendorius
Link for remote connection: https://tinyurl.com/2w34hdjn
September 27, 2023:
TOMAS URBAITIS will defend his thesis entitled "Identification and characterisation of novel CRISPR-Cas nucleases" for the degree of PhD in Biochemistry.
The dissertation was prepared in 2018–2022 at UAB Caszyme in collaboration with Vilnius University Life Sciences Center.
The lecture will take place in the auditorium R401 of the VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius) - 14:00.
Research supported by the Research Council of Lithuania (EU Structure F., DSP).
Scientific supervisor - Dr. Giedrius Gasiūnas (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry - N 004).
Composition of the Dissertation Defense Board:
Prof. Edita Sužiedėlienė, PhD - Chairperson of the Board (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry - N 004);
Dr.Stephen Jones (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry - N 004);
Dr. Marc Güell (Pompeu Fabra University, Spain, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry - N 004);
Prof. Dr. Rolandas Meškys (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry - N 004);
Dr. Rapolas Žilionis (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry - N 004).
The dissertation can be viewed at the Vilnius University Library and on the website at: http://www.vu.lt/lt/naujienos/ivykiu-kalendorius
Link for remote connection: https://tinyurl.com/mr26yss4
On 11th of May at 11 a.m. in R-401 auditorium, UGNĖ KULIEŠIŪTĖ will present dissertation "Molecular mechanisms shaping neuronal networks during brain development and in neuropathology" in English.
On 21th of April at 1 p.m. in R-108 auditorium, EIMANTAS RAMONAS will present dissertation "Study of biocatalysts immobilized in three-dimensional structures" in English.
On 20th of April at 10 a.m. in R-108 auditorium, ANDRIUS SAKALAUSKAS will present dissertation "Understanding inhibition of protein amyloid fibril formation" in English.
JANINA LIČYTĖ will defend in Lithuanian thesis „Identification of oxidized 5-methylcytosine derivatives by novel technologies, their distribution and functions" at the Auditorium R-401 of the VU Life Sciences Centre (Saulėtekio av. 7, LT-10257 Vilnius) at 2 p.m. on 20th of March, 2023. Academic supervisor – dr. Edita Kriukienė.
You may also attend the dissertation defense by this link for joining.
ŠARŪNAS PAŠKEVIČIUS will present in English his thesis „Development and synthesis of plant-derived recombinant biopharmaceutical proteins active against gram-negative pathogenic bacteria" at the Auditorium R-401 of the VU Life Sciences Centre (Saulėtekio av. 7, LT-10257 Vilnius) at 11 a.m. on 19th of April, 2023. Academic supervisor – dr. Aušra Ražanskienė.
You may also attend the dissertation defense by this link for joining.
GRETA JAROCKYTĖ will defend in Lithuanian thesis „Theranostic nanoparticles application for cancer diagnostics and treatment" at the Auditorium R-401 of the VU Life Sciences Centre (Saulėtekio av. 7, LT-10257 Vilnius) at 10 a.m. on 15th of March, 2023. Academic supervisor – prof. habil. dr. Ričardas Rotomskis.
You may also attend the dissertation defense by this link for joining.
MILDA NARMONTĖ will defend in Lithuanian thesis „Method for high-resolution genome-wide analysis of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine and its application for epigenetic studies of human diseases" at the Auditorium R-401 of the VU Life Sciences Centre (Saulėtekio av. 7, LT-10257 Vilnius) at 1 p.m. on 9th of March, 2023. Academic supervisor – dr. Edita Kriukienė.
You may also attend the dissertation defense by this link for joining.
On 6th of March at 12:30 p.m. in R-401 auditorium, ERNA MARIJA MEŠKYTĖ will present dissertation "Identification of the role of transcription factor ETV7 in breast cancer aggressiveness" in English, which you can also join by using this link
GRETA LEONAVIČIENĖ will defend in Lithuanian thesis „ Complex single-cell analysis using hydrogel microcapsules " at the Auditorium R-401 of the VU Life Sciences Centre (Saulėtekio av. 7, LT-10257 Vilnius) at 2 p.m. on 24th of February, 2023. Academic supervisor – prof. dr. Linas Mažutis.
You may also attend the dissertation defense by this link for joining.
On February 22th at 1 p.m. The committee in the field of biochemistry will be consider dissertations (in Lithuanian):
"Determination of oxidized forms of 5-methylcytosine by new methods, their genomic distribution and functions" prepared by Janina Ličytė;
"Development of pharmaceutical recombinant protein preparations synthesized in plants, active against gram-negative pathogenic bacteria" prepared by Šarūnas Paškevičius.
You can join meeting by using this link.
On February 15th 1 p.m. in R-401 auditorium, AURIMO STULPIN's dissertation "Investigations of protein kinases MAPK and AKT, targets in cancer therapy, interrelationship and dependence on cellular contacts in cell lines of lung cancer origin", which you can join by using this link
VAIDA SURVILIENĖ will defend in English thesis „Social development and changes in steroid hormones during early ontogenesis of grey seals (Halichoerus grypus)" at the Auditorium R-401 of the VU Life Sciences Centre (Saulėtekio av. 7, LT-10257 Vilnius) at 3 p.m. on 20h of January, 2022. Academic supervisor – prof. Osvaldas Rukšėnas.
You may also attend the dissertation defense by this link for joining.
On January 13th at 11 a.m. dissertation of GRETA JAROCKYTĖ " Theranostic nanoparticles application for cancer diagnostics and treatment" as well as study and work plan of A. Polita will be discussed in the Committee of Doctoral Studies in Biophysics, which you can join by using this link.
GITANA MICKIENĖ will defend in Lithuanian thesis „Generation, purification and characterization of homo- and hetero-dimers of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) and stem cell factor (SCF)" at the Auditorium R-401 of the VU Life Sciences Centre (Saulėtekio av. 7, LT-10257 Vilnius) at 1 p.m. on 22th of December, 2022. Academic consultant – dr. Milda Plečkaitytė.
You may also attend the dissertation defense by this link for joining.
TATJANA KIRTIKLIENĖ will defend in Lithuanian thesis „Investigation of characteristics and transmission of the virulent strains of pathogenic microorganisms in the view of molecular epidemiology“ for the degree of PhD in Biology at the Auditorium R-401 of the VU Life Sciences Centre (Saulėtekio av. 7, LT-10257 Vilnius) at 11 a.m. on 15th of December, 2022. Academic supervisor – prof. Nomeda Kuisienė.
You may also attend the dissertation defense by this link for joining.
RŪTA ZINKEVIČIŪTĖ will defend dissertation „Proteomic analysis of recombinant protein synthesis in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae“ (in Lithuanian) for the degree of PhD in chemical engineering at the Auditorium R-401 of the VU Life Sciences Centre (Saulėtekio av. 7, LT-10257 Vilnius) at 2 p.m. on 18th of November, 2022. Academic consultant - dr. Rimantas Slibinskas.
You may also attend the dissertation defense by this link for joining.
On 10th November at 10 a.m., GITANOS MICKIENĖ's dissertation „Generation, purification and characterization of homo- and hetero-dimers of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) and stem cell factor (SCF)“ (in Lithuanian) will be discussed at the Chemical Engineering Science Committee, link for joining.
MANTAS ŽIAUNYS will defend his thesis „Amyloidophilic molecule interactions with protein amyloid fibrils“ for the degree of PhD in chemical engineering at the Auditorium R-401 of the VU Life Sciences Centre (Saulėtekio av. 7, LT-10257 Vilnius) at 10 a.m. on the 29th of September, 2022. Academic supervisor - Dr. Vytautas Smirnovas.
You may also attend the dissertation defense by this link for joining.
MINDAUGAS LESANAVIČIUS will defend his thesis „Reduction mechanisms of prooxidant xenobiotics by flavin-containing dehydrogenases – electrontransferases” for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry at the Auditorium of the VU Life Sciences Centre R-104 (Saulėtekio al. 7, LT-10257 Vilnius) at 2:30 p.m. on the 29th of September, 2022. Academic supervisor - habil. dr. Narimantas Čėnas.
You may also attend the dissertation defense by this link for joining.
GEDIMINAS SKVARNAVIČIUS is going to defend the dissertation “Thermodynamic parameters in protein–ligand model systems: determination of binding volume and enthalpy” at 2 p.m. on the 30th of August, 2022. Academic supervisor – dr. dr. Vytautas Petrauskas; consultant – prof. dr. Daumantas Matulis.
The dissertation defense language is English.
To attend the dissertation defense meeting, please use this link for joining.
JOANA SMIRNOVIENĖ is going to defend the dissertation “Switching Inhibitor Recognition by Engineering Chimeric Isozymes of Carbonic Anhydrase” at 1 p.m. on the 31st of August, 2022. Academic supervisor – prof. dr. Daumantas Matulis.
The dissertation defense language is Lithuanian.
To attend the dissertation defense meeting, please use this link for joining.
VYKINTA PARČIAUSKAITĖ is going to defend the dissertation “Gamma range auditory-steady state responses as correlates of individual cognitive performance” at 3 p.m. on the 2nd of September, 2022. Academic supervisor – dr. Inga Griškova-Bulanova.
The dissertation defense language is Lithuanian.
To attend the dissertation defense meeting, please use this link for joining.
Asta LUČIŪNAITĖ is going to defend the dissertation “Investigation of molecular mechanisms of macrophage activation” at 2 p.m. on the 1st of July, 2022. Academic supervisor – prof. dr. Aurelija Žvirblienė.
The dissertation defense language is Lithuanian.
To attend the dissertation defense meeting, please use this link for joining.
Greta BIGELYTĖ is going to defend the dissertation “Miniature CRISPR-Cas nucleases: from characterization to application” at 2 p.m. on the 23th of June, 2022. Academic supervisors – dr. Giedrius Gasiūnas 2017 10 01 2021 05 21, dr. Tautvydas Karvelis from 2021 05 21; consultant – prof. dr. Virginijus Šikšnys.
The dissertation defense language is English.
To attend the dissertation defense meeting, please use this link for joining.
Laurynas VILYS is going to defend the dissertation “Investigating pre-mRNA splicing and its regulatory factors in a hypoxic cell microenvironment” at 2 p.m. on the 17th of June, 2022. Academic supervisor – dr. Arvydas Kanopka.
The dissertation defense language is Lithuanian.
To attend the dissertation defense meeting, please use this link for joining.
Indrė Aleknavičienė is going to defend the dissertation “Investigation of adsorbed biomolecules using new Raman scattering-enhancing surfaces” at 10 a.m. on the 8th of June, 2022. Academic supervisor – dr. Gintaras Valinčius.
The dissertation defense language is Lithuanian.
To attend the dissertation defense meeting, please use this link for joining
Povilas Gibas is going to defend the dissertation “Statistical and Coputational Approaches for the Analysis of High-Throughput Epigenomic Data” at 2 p.m. on the 4th of February, 2022. Academic supervisor – prof. Saulius Klimašauskas.
The dissertation defense language is English.
To attend the dissertation defense meeting, please use this link for joining.
We invite you to participate in the presenting dissertation "Amyloidophilic molecule interactions with protein amyloid fibrils" by Mantas Žiaunys (in English) on 2nd of February at 10 a. m.by using this link.
Aliona Avižinienė is going to defend the dissertation “Synthesis of bacteriophage vB_EcoS_NBD2 derived tubular nanostructures in Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast and their use for the presentation of foreign sequences” at 11 a.m. on the 28th of January, 2022. Academic supervisor – dr. Rasa Petraitytė-Burneikienė.
The dissertation defense language is Lithuanian.
To attend the dissertation defense meeting, please use this link for joining
Raimonda Kubiliūtė is going to defend the dissertation “Diagnostic and prognostic DNA methylation biomarkers of renal clear cell carcinoma” at 2 p.m. on the 22th of December, 2021. Academic supervisor – prof. Sonata Jarmalaitė.
The dissertation defense language is Lithuanian.
To attend the dissertation defense meeting, please use this link for joining
Dominyka Dapkutė is going to defend the dissertation “Mesenchymal stem cell and cancer cell response to treatment with theranostic nanoparticles–towards cell therapy” at 10 a.m. on the 30th of September, 2021. Academic supervisor – prof. Ričardas Rotomskis.
The dissertation defense language is Lithuanian.
To attend the dissertation defense meeting, please use this link.
Egidijus Šimoliūnas is going to defend the dissertation “Study of molecular mechanisms induced by cell-scaffold interaction” at 11 a.m. on the 28th of September, 2021. Academic supervisor – dr. Daiva Baltriukienė.
The dissertation defense language is Lithuanian.
To attend the dissertation defense meeting, please use this link.
ROBERTAS GALINIS is going to defend the dissertation “Synthesis of DNA and magnesium pyrophosphate particles and their use for protein expression in vitro” at 12 p.m. on the 31th of August, 2021. Academic supervisor – dr. Linas Mažutis.
The dissertation defense language is Lithuanian.
To attend the dissertation defense meeting, please use this link.
Agnė Janonienė is going to defend the dissertation “Exploration of carbonic anhydrase IX inhibitor influence on cancer cell migration and suitability to use in anticancer agent delivering nanosystems” at 12 p.m. on the 15th of July, 2021. Academic supervisor – prof. Vilma Petrikaitė.
The dissertation defence language is Lithuanian.
To attend the dissertation defense meeting, please use this link.
Lina Aitmanaitė is going to defend the dissertation “Virus compatibility in Saccharomyces cerevisiae LA and M virus systems” at 11 a.m. on the 2nd of July, 2021. Academic supervisor – prof. Saulius Serva.
The dissertation defence language is Lithuanian.
To attend the dissertation defense meeting, please use the link https://tinyurl.com/3knmyxpw
Aušrinė Nestarenkaitė is going to defend the dissertation Immune response assessment in colorectal cancer microenvironment by digital pathology analytics at 1 p.m. on the 1st of July, 2021. Supervisor – dr. Aida Laurinavičienė, consultant – prof. dr. Sonata Jarmalaitė.
The dissertation defence language is Lithuanian.
You are invited to attend the disertation defence remotely using this link.
Arūnas Krikštaponis is going to defend the dissertation Investigation of the catabolism of 7-hydroxycoumarin in Pseudomonas mandelii 7HK4 bacteria at 10 a.m. on the 30th of June, 2021. Supervisor – prof. dr. Rolandas Meškys.
The dissertation defence language is Lithuanian.
You are invited to attend the disertation defence remotely using this link.
Martynas Simanavičius is going to defend the dissertation The prevalence studies and diagnostics of hepatitis E virus at 11 a.m. on the 4th of June, 2021. Supervisor – dr. Indrė Kučinskaitė-Kodzė.
The dissertation defence language is Lithuanian.
You are invited to attend the disertation defence remotely using this link.
Gediminas Drabavičius is going to defend the dissertation “Study and application of CRISPR-Cas systems” at 15 p.m. on the 16th of March, 2021. Supervisors – dr. Giedrius Gasiūnas and prof. dr. Dirk Daelemans. The dissertation was prepared under the joint doctoral program of Vilnius University and the KU Leuven by implementing an individual doctoral student's work plan.
The dissertation defence language is English.
To attend the dissertation defense meeting, please use the link: https://tinyurl.com/y7a5srzl