
Starts at: 2024-06-13 14:00
Ends at: 2024-06-13 17:00

DOVYDAS GABRIELAITIS will defend his thesis entitled "The Investigation of the Factors Modulating Macrophage Endocytosis: Macrophage Type, Age, Plasma Membrane Tension" for the degree of Doctor of Science in Biophysics.

The dissertation was prepared in 2019-2023 at the Institute of Biosciences, Vilnius University, Centre for Life Sciences.

Research supported by the Lithuanian Council of Sciences S-SEN-20-4; The Fulbright Graduate Student Program.

Scientific supervisor:

dr. Urtė Neniškytė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biophysics - N 011).

Composition of the Dissertation Defence Board:

Chairperson - Dr. Vilma Kisnierienė (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biophysics - N 011);
Dr. Vitalijus Karabanovas (National Cancer Institute, Natural Sciences, Biophysics - N 011);
Dr. Tarja Malm (University of Eastern Finland, Finland, Natural Sciences, Biohemistry - N 004);
Dr. Gulio Preta (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biohemistry - N 004);
Dr. Marijonas Tutkus (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biophysics - N 011).

The PhD will be held in the auditorium R401 of the VU Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius).

The dissertation can be viewed at the Vilnius University Library and on the website at: Doctoral dissertation;

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