
Starts at: 2023-12-20 14:00
Ends at:: 2023-12-20 16:00

WENMING LIANG will defend his thesis entitled "The links of respiration with physical fitness, muscle tension, and executive functioning" for the degree of Doctor of Science in Biophysics. 

The PhD will be held at the auditorium R401 of the VU Life Sciences Centre (Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius).

Scientific supervisor - prof. dr. Osvaldas Rukšėnas (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biophysics - N 011),

Composition of the Dissertation Defence Board:

Chairperson - prof. dr. Aidas Alaburda (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biophysics – N 011);
dr. Inga Griškova-Bulanova (Vilnius University, Natural Sciences, Biophysics – N 011);
prof. dr. Vaiva Hendrixson (Vilniaus universitetas, medicinos ir sveikatos mokslai, medicina –M 001);
prof. dr. Aleksandr Bulatov (Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Natural Sciences, Biology - N 010);
doc. dr. Xiaolei Liu (Beijing Sport University, China, Natural Sciences, Biology – N 010).

The dissertation can be viewed at the Vilnius University Library and on the website at:;

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