Past Events
November 15, 2023: Webinar "TnpB study using cyro-EM" organized by Thermo Fisher will take place at 6 pm (LT time). In this webinar, Dr. Giedrius Sasnauskas will discuss how he and his team used cryo-electron microscopy to characterize the TnpB genome editor. Since the new cryo-EM laboratory was established at Vilnius University, Dr. G. Sasnauskas and his team were able to find out the cryo-EM structure of the Deinococcus radiodurans TnpB-reRNA complex, which was published in the journal Nature.
2023-10-24: On 24 October, Instruct-ERIC will organise a scientific meeting with the Lithuania structural biology community. In the two-hour meeting at the Vilnius University Life Sciences Center you will have an opportunity to meet experts from across the Instruct-ERIC community. 11:00 – Harald Schwalbe (Instruct-ERIC Director) We look forward to seeing you in Vilnius University Lifes Sciences Center, R401 auditorium, Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius! Instruct-ERIC is a European distributed research infrastructure making high-end technologies and methods in structural biology available to users. Instruct-ERIC is comprised of 16 Member Countries: Lithuania is a key member of Instruct, and structural biology researchers in Lithuania can receive funded access to high-end services and technologies in our 11 centres across Europe. |
You are invited to attend! |
2023-10-9/11: Scientific conference EcoBalt 2023 "Chemicals & Environment" will be held on October 9–11 in Tallinn, Estonia. More information Submission of abstracts The deadline for abstract submission is 1 June 2023. |
2023-09-28: You are cordially invited to a seminar by Dr Peter Dedecker, researcher at KU Leuven (Belgium), on 28 September at 10:00 AM in Room R401. He develops superresolution microscopy, fluorescent dyes and sensors, as well as working with live cells and in vitro samples. You can attend the seminar in remote as well. More information can be found here: More on seminar: Fluorescence microscopy is a key methodology in the life sciences, aided by the availability of sensitive microscopes and a broad variety of fluorophores. In this presentation, I will discuss our recent work on increasing the information content of fluorescence microscopy. I will focus on the combination of light-activable fluorophore, for which the fluorescence can be switched on and off with light, and biosensors, which convert chemical changes in the sample into an optical contrast. By combining both methodologies, we can visualize more distinct labels and biosensors in the sample, allowing more processes to be observed, provide new ways to quantify the chemical activities of live cells, and deliver higher spatial resolutions of the imaging. I will also discuss how these possibilities can be extended using new optical devices that encode information within the shape in which a molecule appears in the images. Also you can inquire: |
2023-09-22: We cordially invite you to the Biotechnology Research Symposium organized by the Lithuanian Research Council and the National Science and Technology Council of Taiwan. The symposium will take place on September 22, 2023 (Friday) at the Vilnius University Life Sciences Center (Saulėtekio ave.7, Vilnius). At the symposium, scientists from Lithuania and Taiwan, well-known for their research and significant contributions to the international scientific community, will present the latest achievements in scientific research and technology. During this event, you will hear presentations on various topics in the field of biotechnology, including gene editing, cell therapy, genetic manipulation, as well as research on improving human health and treating diseases using the latest biotechnologies. The symposium is scheduled to run from 9:00 to 15:00. Event Agenda with information about presentations and speakers . The symposium will be conducted in English. Please kindly confirm your attendance by September 15th by emailing |
2023-06-02: iNEXT-Discovery 2nd Regional Structural Biology Meeting More information about the meeting
2023 July–December: EMBO | EMBL Symposia – second half of 2023 |
More information about conference Organizers:
2023-04-28/30: Baltic Society of Extracellular Vesicles 2nd International Conference 2023 The event will take place at the State Scientific Research Institute Center for Innovative Medicine, Santariškių st. 5. The conference registration fee is 20 euros. |
Open Readings 2023’ will be held on April 18th-21st, 2023, in the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, in Vilnius, Lithuania. |
2023-03-22/24: The VIII Baltic Genetics Congress will take place from March 22 - 24, 2023 at Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania. The registration has already opened. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions ( |
We invite you to attend Dr Kelly Sheehan-Rooney webinar about „EMBO Fellowships” on January 11, 2023 starting at 14.00 (Vilnius time). During the webinar Dr Jorūnė Sakalauskaitė, EMBO Postdoctoral fellow and researcher at the VU Life Sciences Center will share her experience in application process as well.
Please join webinar using this link:
Meeting ID: 854 6321 8874
Passcode: 730598
More information about Dr Kelly Sheehan-Rooney and EMBO seminars
We invite you to join the second conference of Coimbra Group LS WG, named The Afterlife of a Tree: Biodiversity and Function of Deadwood in Forests by Prof. Jörg Müller from the University of Würzburg that will take place on 2nd December, 2022, 1pm CET.
This remote conference is free and will be delivered via Zoom meeting.
To participate in the event, you must register until 1st December noon; a Zoom link will be sent to your email address after the registration closes.
We invite you to participate in the 14th International Conference of the Lithuanian Neuroscience Association, which will take place on 25 November 2022. VU Life Sciences Centre, Saulėtekio al. 7
LNA Conference organisers
VIII International Conference of the Lithuanian Stem Cell Researchers Association (LKLTA).
The event will take place at the State Research Institute Center for Innovative Medicine (VMTI IMC), 5 Santariškių Str., Vilnius
The Department of Biology, Medicine and Geosciences of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences and the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences are organising the 15th Lithuanian Young Scientists' Conference 'Biofuture: perspectives of nature and life sciences'.
The aim of the conference is to review the latest basic and applied research results in the fields of biotechnology, nanotechnology, biochemistry, biomedicine and geosciences. The conference will take place on November 24 2022 at 10 AM. The conference will take place at the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (Gedimino pr. 3, Vilnius). Oral presentations of 15 minutes are planned (10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions).
Young scientists (PhDs, postdocs and postdoctoral trainees) up to 35 years of age are invited to participate. The participation form should be completed by September 20 2022 5PM. The form is here.
EMBO workshop "Research Integrity", 10 November, Life Science Center. The lectures and participants are going to discuss about good scientific practices, misconduct as well as ethics in research and publishing.
One day of talks and discussions on scientific integrity and good practices in the life sciences. The target group for the workshop encompasses PIs, post-docs and PhD students in the last year of their thesis work.
The number of participants is limited to 30. For the registration, please, send the mail to until 20 October.
11th International Conference on Biodiversity Research
Abstracts can be submitted until the end of September.
There is no participation fee.
In 2022 October 14 (Friday) at 10:30 a.m. the Baltic Sea Animal Rehabilitation Center of the Lithuanian Maritime Museum (Smiltynės St. 4, Klaipėda) will host the Conference "Changes in Animal Welfare, Protection and Care in Lithuania: Results, Initiatives and Challenges for the Future". Conference Program
Registration form . Registration deadline 2022 October 9.
The Representation of Taiwan in Lithuania invites you to a lecture by Prof. Mien-Chie Hung, the most prominent Taiwanese oncologist, academician, President of the China Medical University, which will take place in Vilnius, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (Gedimino pr. 3), on Friday, 7 October, from 13.30 to 15.30.
In Taiwan, Prof. Hung is considered to be the country's top scientist in genetics and molecular biology, and second in medicine. Further details
Anyone interested and willing to collaborate with Prof. Hung is invited to attend the lecture and the talk that will follow. Prof. Hung would like to start cooperation programmes between Lithuania and Taiwan, to invite PhD students and post-doctoral trainees.
Life Sciences Conferences Cycle 2022-2023
We are happy to invite you to participate in Life Sciences Conference sessions. Please find the programme here.
Participation is free of charge. All sessions will be delivered live via Zoom webinar. A webinar link to the conferences will be sent to all registered participants. Please fill-out a registration form to get access to the first conference.
We would like to invite you to register for the 3rd Baltic Biophysics Conference, which will take place on 6-7 October 2022 at the Centre for Physical and Technological Sciences (FTMC) in Vilnius.
The conference will feature plenary presentations by Prof. Herbert van Amerongen and Prof. Rodolphe Fischmeister.
Prof. Herbert van Amerongen is a Professor of Biophysics at Wageningen University. He studied at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and was a postdoctoral fellow at Arizona State University. He is known for his work on light stages in photosynthesis using spectroscopic and microscopic techniques. His work has been widely cited (more than 17 000 times) and he has an h-index of 71. He is co-author of a well-known monograph (H. van Amerongen, L. Valkunas, R. van Grondelle. Photosynthetic Excitons, World Scientific Co., Singapore, 2000).
Prof. Rodolphe Fischmeister is Director of the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM), Vice-President of the University of Paris-Saclay, Head of the LabEx LERMIT laboratory, Founder and currently Deputy Director of the Laboratory of Signal Transduction and Cardiovascular Pathophysiology (Paris-Saclay). Prof. Rodolphe Fischmeister's research focuses on the physiological and pathophysiological aspects of neuroendocrine regulation of cardiac function, cardiac cell membrane receptors, their signalling cascades and ion channel control. Prof. Rodolphe Fischmeister has published more than 170 papers in peer-reviewed journals, his work has been cited more than 9500 times (24 publications have been cited more than 100 times) and he currently has an h-index of 57.
Registration for the conference is open until 11 September.
For more information, visit the conference page at
Dear colleagues,
Vilnius University organizes ARQUS Research Focus Forum on the topic “Healthy aging from a multidisciplinary perspective”. The 3-days conference will take place in Vilnius (Life Science Centre, 7 Sauletekio Ave.) on June 27-29, 2022.
The application deadline is 2022-04-29.
More information can be found here (Please note that the application deadline has been extended to 29/04/2022).
Please be aware that the number of participants is limited, and priority will be given to those submitting the abstract. The abstract should present the research interests, project ideas and/or areas for possible collaboration, as well as the format in which participation is envisaged such as presentation of an ongoing research project, ongoing collaboration, scientific communication, etc.
Please submit your abstracts/register by filling in the form.
Requests for more information should be sent to
Lithuanian Microbiological Society is inviting everyone to participate in the conference "Microbiology 2022". More information is available on the LMS website |
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Conference on Animal Welfare in Research to mark the Year of Animal Welfare.
Date and time of the conference: 2022 March 25 from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m.
The Conference will take place in a mixed way - Onsite (for LSC Community) and Online
REGISTRATION is required. Registration will take place until March 24, 2022 until 6 p.m.
The link will only be sent to registered participants.
You are invited to register and participate in the International Online Seminar "Kinases in Cancer and Other Diseases" organized by LSC IBCh senior researcher Dr Jonas Cicėnas.
More information and registration
Sponsors and Partners of the Seminar:
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2022-02-28 -- 2022-03-03:
International life sciences conference "The COINS 2022" organizers would like to invite you to attend the online conference on February 28th - March 3rd.
This year, you will participate in famous Lithuanian and International scientist lectures and panel discussions, and students will share research results during poster and oral presentations.
This year we present students an opportunity to participate in oral and poster presentation sessions on a virtual conference platform while safely presenting their research without stepping back from a computer screen. Students can present their research on various topics, receive valuable prizes, get valuable feedback from researchers from multiple Lithuanian and foreign universities and other institutions.
We kindly ask you to encourage Your students to participate in poster / oral presentations. As You may know, students usually need some incentive to present their scientific works in public and considering those presenting for the first time, Your support and help are crucial. Your contribution to students' scientific life is enormous; thus, we hope that You will give a little push for Your students to share their research with others.
All LSC and FCHG (biochemistry and chemistry) students have received notifications to their academic emails on how to register for the presentation sessions. Thus, in case of any questions, please refer students to their emails.
- LSC Department of Studies will cover all LSC students' registration fees under the registration deadline of January 31st (refer students to specific instructions provided in their emails).
- FCHG Department of Studies will cover the first 10 FCHG students' registration fees under the registration deadline of January 31st.
- By registering for presentation sessions from February 1st to 14th, students will have to purchase tickets with their finances.
- All other conference activities will be free of charge. Thus everyone is welcome.
For more information, presentation requirements, registration forms, and tickets visit
With all questions regarding presentation sessions, write at .
With all general questions about the conference, write at .
Instruct-ERIC Centre Finland Opening and Structural Biology Finland Conference 2021.
Event will be held on site and online.
More information and registration
Bacteria have to respond to constantly changing conditions throughout their lives. In order to respond to abiotic stress – heat, salinity, acidity, osmotic changes – they have evolved an adaptive mechanism known as the General Stress Response (GSR). In some well studied and clinically relevant Gram-positive bacteria, like Bacillus subtilis and Listeria monocytogenes the GSR is governed by a transcription factor, SigB. The activity of SigB is tightly regulated by a partner switching cascade and its activation results in massive changes in gene expression. Induction of the GSR allows bacteria to survive in different harsh conditions. Unfortunately, it also allows pathogenic bacteria like L. monocytogenes to survive in the human gastrointestinal tract and cause disease. At the top of the signal cascade is a 1.5 MegaDalton, 60 subunit pseudoicosahedral protein complex called the stressosome, which is the earliest known complex involved in stress signal perception and is directly involved in the partner switching cascade activating SigB. We analyzed the stressosome complex of L. innocua, a close relative of L. monocyogenes, by cryo-EM, allowing us to see new details into the way signal is transduced across the complex.
We are inviting you to join for Dr. Rokas Grigaitis (University of Vienna) talk ‘Regulation of DNA helicases in homologous recombination’ at 7 of October 10 AM, room R401 or remotely via Teams link.
Cells utilize homologous recombination to accurately repair broken chromosomes. Since such mechanism of repair requires a homologous template, DNA double strand breaks can be converted into two different products: noncrossovers or crossovers. Interestingly both have rather opposing consequences for the cell. Noncrossovers promote genetic integrity by suppressing potential loss of heterozygosity, while crossovers contribute to the generation of genetic diversity. One important step that determines which of the outcomes is produced is the enzymatic processing of various recombination intermediates. Among the various enzymes that are able to do the job are multiple DNA helicases. So far it is not known how cells control these enzymes to produce the required outcome of recombinational DNA repair. We discovered that cell cycle specific phosphorylation allows the cells to directly control the activity of several such DNA helicases. During the talk I will present the results of our research, present the model of cellular regulation of and explain how such findings advance our understanding of DNA repair by homologous recombination.
Invitation to the conference "Mathematics and Natural Sciences: Theory and Application 2021". More information in the invitation.
EMBL is inviting to the conference “Emerging Infectious diseases and related environmental, clinical and translational challenges”.
Conference will be held online on 27th of April, 2021.
More information about conference and program .
Registration form.
Organizers of International Life Sciences Conference „The (Extra)ordinary COINS 2021“ are inviting to
Poster Session for University Students of Life Sciences which will be held on the 30th of March, 2021, 12:00 EET.
Conference website.