Past Calls
Date and time: 19/09/2023, 09.00-17.00 EEST Location: ibis Vilnius Centre, Rinktines str. 18, 01103 Vilnius, Lithuania Type: In-person event Language: English We invite you to participate in MSCA Doctoral Networks proposal writing training, during which EC expert evaluator will present the funding scheme, discuss specifics and requirements of the preparation of each part of the application, share recommendations, and introduce the most common shortcomings in these applications. Agenda of the event is attached to this email. The number of participants is limited. More detailed information will be sent to registered persons. MSCA Doctoral Networks call for proposals 2023 Contact for information at VU Research Projects Office: |
ERC Advanced Grants call for proposals is now open!
ERC Advanced Grants (ERC ADG) are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators (PIs) at the career stage at which they are already established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements. PIs must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their scientific proposal. They must spend a minimum of 50% of their working time in an EU Member State or Associated Country and a minimum of 30% of their working time on the ERC project.
Deadline date: 23 May 2023
Budget: up to €2.5 Million + additional funding up to €1 Million
Project duration: up to 5 years
PI profile:
- Researchers of any nationality at the time of the application residing in any country in the world who intend to conduct their research activity in any EU Member State or Associated Country.
- Active researchers who have a track record of significant research achievements in the last 10 years which identifies them as an exceptional leader in terms of originality and significance of their research contributions. If PI so chooses, their achievements over a longer period than the past 10 years can be considered in the circumstances described in the ERC 2023 Work Programme (p. 21-22) and highlighted in their CV.
- A record of achievements appropriate to the field and at least matching one or more of the benchmarks listed in ERC 2023 Work Programme (p. 21).
Please use application forms and host institution letter template attached to this email. You can also download them from the proposal submission system, after initiating the draft proposal.
More information and call documents can be found on the call page.
Information for VU applicants
ERC guide for applicants
ERC 2023 Work Programme
VU Research Projects Office (VU RPO) kindly asks to inform of your intention to apply for ERC ADG call using VU RPO contacts below.
VU RPO offers support during the preparation and submission of your ERC ADG application, including providing feedback on your draft proposal. Time slots are limited, so we strongly encourage you to contact VU RPO as early as possible and send your proposal for review at least 3 weeks before the call deadline.
Contacts for information at VU Research Projects Office: Ana Raišienė, phone: +370 5 268 7165, email:
Contact for consultations on financial matters at VU Development Department: Aleita Markevič, phone: +370 5 219 3153, email:
National Contact Point advising on ERC funding: Aurelija Povilaikė, phone: +370 608 90639, email:
Call coordination team for questions related to the call:
We kindly invite researchers, administrative and support staff of Vilnius University Life Sciences Center to the demonstration of the features and functionalities of *Research Professional, an online research funding tool available at Vilnius University.
The training session will cover logging into the platform, refining funding searches, creating weekly alerts and sharing content. It will be tailored to the needs and research topics of VU LSC. It is a must for every researcher who is actively looking for global funding opportunities (EU, US, etc.). The session will be interactive, so you can ask specific questions that touch your professional interests and/or information needs.
The training session will take place on 26 January 2023, 14:00 EET (Vilnius time), on Microsoft Teams platform.
Please register for the event until 25 January, 10:00 AM EET.
The link to the training session will be sent closer to the date of the event.
Access *Research Professional database by clicking on the following link and use the same credentials that are used to log in to Vilnius University single sign-on system:
Find out more about Research Professional on Vilnius University Intranet.
Contact for information at VU Research Projects Office: Ana Raišienė, phone: +370 5 268 7165, email:
The Lithuanian Science Council, in order to promote the development of the system of post-doctoral internships for young scientists and to improve the scientific qualifications of interns, has launched a call for applications for funding post-doctoral internship projects.
The application is submitted by the Executive Agency together with the supervisor and the trainee. The application in English and its annexes must be submitted through the electronic system by 30 June 2022 at 24:00.
The host institution must be a Lithuanian research and study institution listed in the Register of Education and Research Institutions. The executing institution must be different from the one where the trainee defended his/her doctoral thesis, or the same, but the project is carried out in a different top-level unit within the hierarchical structure of academic/scientific units of the same institution.
A trainee is defined as a researcher who has been awarded a PhD by a Lithuanian or a foreign research and study institution and who has not completed more than 5 years from the date of the award of the PhD to the date of the deadline for submission of applications specified in the call (7 years for PhDs), excluding pregnancy and maternity leave, the period of paternity leave or parental leave until the child reaches the age of 3 years) and is carrying out the scientific/artistic research work envisaged in the project.
The total number of hours worked by the trainee in the project must not be less than 1508 hours (0,75 Full-time equivalent) and not more than 2010 hours (1 FTE) over a 12-month period, including the annual leave granted to researchers at research and study institutions.
During the project, the trainee must undertake a traineeship in a foreign scientific and research institution or research centre, laboratory, company, institution, library, archive, expedition, etc. The minimum duration of the stay is 1 month. The period of the visit may be divided into parts of at least 15 days each.
Supervisor is understood as a scientist or artist working in the host institution who supervises the trainee's scientific/artistic research work during the project. A postdoctoral fellowship must not be supervised by the trainee's doctoral supervisor. The salary costs of the supervisor shall not be included in the project cost estimate.
A person may submit an application if, on the last day of the call for proposals, he/she is not subject to the restrictions on the consideration of applications set out in points 76 to 80 of the General Rules on the Competitive Funding of Research and Dissemination Projects of the Lithuanian Research Council.
A trainee and a supervisor may only be included in one application for the same call.
The duration of the project is 24 months. Project start date (date of signature of the project funding agreement) no later than 1 October 2022.
Project value up to EUR 90 000, where indirect costs may represent up to 10 % of the direct costs included in the project cost estimate.
The information event will take place on 6 June 2022. The briefing will take place on the Microsoft Team's platform. Login link here
You can find the guidance material and document forms by clicking on the VU intranet link here or you can download them by clicking on the link entitled Documents for applicants (Postdoctoral Fellowships 2022).
Further information is available from the Development Department:
Vilma Rutkauskaitė, tel. (8 5) 219 3201, e-mail: (consulted units: CHGF, FilF, MIF, MF, ŠA)
Dagnė Gurskaitė, tel. (8 5) 219 3244, e-mail: (consulted units: FF, FsF, KF, KnF, TF)
Ignė Balaišytė, tel. (8 5) 268 7238, e-mail: (consulted units: EVAF, GMC, IF, TSPMI, VM)
Please send your applications to the PD no later than 5 days before the end of the call.
In order to attract a growing number of young researchers with recognised international experience and to help them establish themselves at Vilnius University, the Vilnius University Intangible Capital Fund is organising a temporary co-funding competition for 2 research positions. All academic units of Vilnius University are invited to apply.
The competition is open to all academic departments of Vilnius University;
a participant - an academic unit - may submit more than one application;
a participant submitting more than one application has the possibility to win funding for one research position;
in the event of a successful application, the academic unit participant undertakes to attract an eligible young researcher to fill the research position (if a specific person for the research position is identified at the time of application, the commitment is made to ensure that, in the event of a successful application, this person will be appointed to the research position);
the young researcher must start work at the University no later than 1 September 2023
the participant, the academic unit, accepts responsibility for the accuracy, legality and use of personal data in the application;
the application and related documents shall be submitted in Lithuanian. The requirement does not apply to the list of scientific publications;
only applications that meet the requirements of the call and are submitted on time will be evaluated;
The scientific position applied for is open only to young researchers with international scientific experience, who have obtained their scientific degree (PhD) no more than 7 years ago (this period does not include parental leave). International research experience is understood as study/work/long-term traineeships in high-level research centres abroad, participation in international research projects, scientific publications in high-level international journals, and other international research activities;
The VU Foundation will provide up to EUR 30,000 per research position during the whole period of co-financing of the research position (these funds will be paid directly in instalments to the young scientist who has taken up the research position in accordance with the financial support agreement);
the co-funding of the research position submitted to the call must last for 2 years or more.
In the event of a win, the participant academic unit commits to fund the research position at least at the same level as the share allocated by the VU Foundation;
Examples of research positions submitted to the competition: junior researcher, research fellow, senior researcher, principal researcher, post-doctoral fellow.
In the event of winning, the participant - the academic unit - together with the young researcher in the research position, undertakes to participate in the dissemination of the VU Foundation's publicity about the competition, the support received, the selection of the researcher, the research activities, etc., in various dissemination channels (social media, mass media, events, etc.).
The 2 most promising scientific positions that best meet the evaluation criteria will be selected and funded from the applications submitted to the call. Evaluation criteria:
The impact of the research position on the international competitiveness of VU;
the impact of the research position on the academic community of the unit;
the relevance and potential of the research position;
international experience of the candidate(s);
principles for the selection of candidates.
Start date: 30 May 2022.
Closure: 1 July 2022.
Results: by 1 August 2022.
The competition is organised by the Support Fund Vilnius University Foundation (registration number 304222713), Universiteto str. 3, Room 111A, Vilnius, LT-01513, , +370 5 219 3000. Consultations on the application process are available from Paulina Aistė Sukurė (, +370 5 268 7007).
To Apply (Application form in Lithuanian only)
Inviation to trainings for those who have decided to apply for the European Horizon Programme.
Registration is now open for the training course "How to write a competitive European Horizon application", which will take place on 21 April 2022. The training will be delivered by Hyperion ( training expert Dr Seán McCarthy (
Brief information about the training:
- Course Date: Thursday, 21st April 2022
- Course Title: How to Write a Competitive Proposal for Horizon Europe
- Duration: This online “live” course consists of three 45-minute sessions with a short break between each session. Questions and discussion would take place after each session and when the course ends.
- Time: 10:00 to 12:45 (Lithuanian time).
- Platform: We use Zoom (the link will be sent for the approved participants).
- Participants: Up to 80 participants are allowed.
Link to the registration: Please use your VU email address when registering.
For more information, please contact:
Donata Pečiukėnienė
Research Projects Coordinator
Departament for Research and Innovation
Tel. +370 5 2366279
Vilnius university
Seed funding for cooperation projects in the Baltic Sea region
The Swedish Institute provides funding for joint projects in which Swedish organisations meet transnational challenges together with organisations from the Baltic Sea region countries including Russia and the countries of the Eastern Partnership.
Open for applications until 15 February.
The project activities must be clearly linked to one or more of the challenges identified in the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea region.
The strategy has three overall objectives:
- save the sea;
- connect the region;
- increase prosperity.
A project can run for no longer than 18 months.
A project can apply for SEK 100,000 to SEK 500,000.
The application must include at least three actors in three different countries eligible for support, one of which is Sweden (as main applicant).
For more information visit
We are sharing information sent by the Lithuanian Science Council about the upcoming virtual launch event of the“Innovative Health Initiative“ (IHI) partnership of the European Horizon Program. The new initiative will continue activities started by the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) of the H2020 program with the main aim to use the results of health science and innovation projects for the benefit of patients and society. IHI is a joint public-private initiative. Early in 2022 IHI is planning to launch the first open calls for proposals for health and healthcare projects which will be implemented by cross-sectoral, interdisciplinary, international consortia.
The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) aims to build on the successes of the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and will hold a launch event in a virtual setting on Wednesday, January 26th, from 10:30am to 1:00pm.
The event will be broken up into two sessions:
In the first session, IHI Executive Director Dr Pierre Meulien will present IHI and explain why we are launching a new European partnership for health. He will also describe what's new compared to the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), and what will stay the same. IHI staff will then present opportunities for stakeholders to get involved in IHI, for example by applying to become a member of the IHI Science and Innovation Panel (SIP), or by becoming an expert evaluator. They will also offer a preview of the draft topics under consideration for inclusion in the first IHI call for proposals.
The second session will feature a high-level discussion during which representatives of the IHI partners, namely the European Commission, the European Parliament, COCIR, EFPIA, Vaccines Europe, EuropaBio and MedTech Europe, will present their vision for IHI.
Both sessions will include time for questions from participants.
IHI warmly encourages small and medium-sized enterprises, patient organisations, regulatory authorities, academic teams, industry, hospitals and other organisations with an interest in IHI projects to take part in the launch event. Please feel free to share this e-mail with your contacts.
Registration will open shortly and the preliminary agenda is available via the IHI website at
Hope to see you there!
With kind regards,
The IHI Events Team