

Course unit title

Scientific direction

Scientific code


Department (s)

Ecological genetics

Biology N 010

Life Sciences Center

Institute of Life Sciences

Total number of credits


Mode of studies

Number of credits

Mode of studies

Number of credits

Life Lectures








Aims of course

  • To get acquainted with Ecological Genetics as a field of biological science, its main concepts, and problems.
  • To acquire knowledge in this field of science that could be applied in original research and interpretation of their results.

Main topics

The populations and ecological genetics as a branch of biological science: task and basic concepts. Fragmentation of the species into populations and the significance of this fragmentation. Genetic variation and its hierarchical levels. Genetic markers used to study genetic variation. Advantages and disadvantages of different types of genetic markers. The Hardy-Weinberg model. Tests for departure from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The major factors of population evolution. Non-random mating and its genetic consequences. Gene flow and genetic drift, the comparison of their effects on genetic variation within and among subpopulations. F-statistics; calculation of F-statistics, and information provided by estimates. Effective population size, its significance and methods of calculation. The comparison of effects of genetic drift and inbreeding to the frequency of genotypes and their action to phenotypes. Natural selection on genotypes, its forms and effects on the genetic structure of the population. The concepts of relative fitness and mean fitness. A comparison of the effects of four evolutionary factors on genetic variation within and among populations. Interactions between the four evolutionary forces, and consequences of interactions on genetic variation of populations. The indirect method based on drift-migration equilibrium for measuring gene flow. S. Wright’s shifting balance theory – one of the models of population evolution. Application of mendelian genetics to continuous traits: effects of frequency of alleles and gene action on mean phenotype and variance of population. The concept of heritability; broad-sense and narrow-sense heritability. Estimation of additive variance and heritability based on a phenotypic correlation between genetically related individuals and a change in phenotype due to artificial selection. Phenotypic plasticity and genotype-by- environment interaction. Two ways for local populations to adapt – genetic differentiation and phenotypic plasticity. The methods to determine the cause of adaptive differentiation. The correlation and covariance as methods of interpreting the evolution of a group of traits. Sources of genetic covariance among traits. Artificial selection as a method for measuring heritability and genetic correlations; advantages and disadvantages of the method. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping – joint application of molecular and statistical methods in quantitative genetics. The main stages of QTL mapping, and its significance in the study of the genetic structure of phenotypic traits. Interpretation of phenotypic evolution from the positions of quantitative genetics. Selective agents and targets; selection as an interaction of selection agents and targets. Direct and indirect selection. Identification of selection targets: observational (calculation of selection gradients) and experimental stages. Correlational selection. The steps for determining the selection agents based on the division of fitness into multiplicative components, and the assessment of the relationship of selection gradients with the environmental variables. Predicting short-term phenotypic evolution using a matrix equation. Conservation genetics: issues and problems addressed. Evolution of invasive species: rapid adaptation and possible causes of this phenomenon. Potential environmental impacts of genetically modified crops and ways to reduce them. Evolution of resistance to pesticides and antibiotics, and resistance management.

Main literature

  • Hamilton M.B. Population genetics; edit. 2th. John Wiley and Sons Publisher, 2021.
  • Allendorf F.W., Luikart G.H., Aitken. S.N. Conservation and the genetics of populations; edit. 2th. WileyBlackwell Ltd. Publication, 2012.
  • Hedrick P.W. Genetics of populations; edit. 4th. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury, Massachusetts, 2009.
  • Conner J.K. Hartl D.L. Ekologinės genetikos pradmenys.Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2007.
  • Frankham R. Ballou J.D. Briscoe D.A. A primer of conservation genetics. Cambridge University press, 2004.
  • Beebe T.J. Rowe G. An introduction to molecular ecology. Oxford university press, 2004.

Assessment strategy

Assessment criteria

Exam or seminar

The doctoral student who has chosen the exam must answer three questions asked by the members of the commission from the main topics of the doctoral subject. Passing the exam requires positive evaluations of the answers to all three questions on a ten-point scale. From these estimates, an overall average score is calculated.

If choosing the seminar the doctoral student makes a 20-30 minute presentation in which he/she discusses the doctoral topic from the position of ecological genetics, using at least ten scientific sources, considers the ecological genetics issues and concepts related to the topics. The knowledge demonstrated during the seminar, the ability to present it to the audience are assessed by the ten-point scale.


Name, Surname






Jurgita Butkuvienė

Assoc. prof.


Kristina Noreikienė

Assoc. prof. dr.

Approved by the Council of Doctoral School of Life Sciences Center No (4.10)600000-KT-… on the 14th of October 2021

Chairman dr. Daiva Baltriukienė

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