

In 2022, Go Vilnius and Vilnius University (VU) Life Sciences Center (LSC) established the Professor Virginijus Šikšnys Scholarship, which is awarded to the third-cycle students for internationally recognised outstanding research achievements to encourage them to pursue research in order to expand the frontiers of knowledge of life processes, apply research knowledge to the creation of human well-being, and preserve the sustainability and diversity of our environment.

The amount of the Scholarship is EUR 10 000.

The scholarship is open to all VU LSC third-cycle students who have achieved a significant research performance and meet the following criteria:

  • have published their research results in international research publications with a Clarivate Analytics citation index and/or have filed international patent applications;
  • are not in arrears with the activities foreseen in the doctoral study plan;
  • of good repute (the student's behaviour is in line with the standards of the VU Code of Academic Ethics, he/she has not been convicted of a criminal offence by a final court judgement, has not been dismissed from his/her service or employment for a serious breach of discipline, or more than five years have elapsed since the dismissal, and is not abuser of alcohol, narcotics, psychotropic and/or toxic substances).

Candidates must submit an application for the competition, comprising:

  • an application for the Scholarship, confirming that the Candidate meets all the above selection criteria;
  • a curriculum vitae (CV);
  • a list of research works and activities and a description of the Candidate's personal contribution to each research result;
  • documents attesting to the Candidate's achievements and their recognition (research articles, copies of media articles about the Candidate (or functioning web links), copies of patent applications and awards etc.);
  • a motivational letter in which the Candidate identifies not only his/her research achievements, but also his/her vision for the future;
  • a recommendation from the Supervisor of Doctoral Studies;
  • a commitment by the candidate to make a public presentation of the awarded research results following the award of the Scholarship and cooperate with representatives of Go Vilnius and the LSC communication departments;
  • any other documents that the Candidate considers relevant to the selection of the Scholarship.

Applications are accepted until 15 December 2024 inclusive.

Applications should be addressed to the LSC Doctoral School by email: , the title of the email should include the following: Application for the Prof. Virginijs Šikšnys' Scholarship_ First name, Surname.

If you have any questions, please contact Prof Dr Daiva Baltriukienė, the Head of the VU LSC Doctoral School, by email or +370 5 223 4379.

More information: Regulations and in the scholarship contract.

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