

Course unit


Scientific direction

Scientific code


Department (s)


Biology N 010

Chemistry engineering T 005

Life Sciences Center

Institute of Biosciences

Total number of credits 10    

Mode of studies

Number of credits

Mode of studies

Number of credits









Aims of course

  • The modern life sciences research-based knowledge about biotechnological processes, their development and applications;
  • Skills to combine, integrate and apply knowledge in biology, chemistry, cell biology, genetics and biochemistry for analysis and development of biotechnological processes;
  • Ability to apply classical and modern biotechnological processes to develop new products;
  • Ability to select appropriate biotechnological methods for the study of new biological processes and biomolecules;
  • Ability to properly interpret scientifically based results;
  • Ability to learn and develop independently;
  • Ability to participate in scientific discussion.

Main topics

Introduction to biotechnological processes. Conception of the biotechnology, main concepts, trends and development. Construction and development of the microorganism for production of target product; problems and possible solutions. Gene engineering. Vectors, diversity of the bacterial and yeast strains, applications possibilities. DNA transfer into cells. The basics of gene expression. Expression and optimization of the target product, process monitoring. Cell disruption methods. Protein purification. Development and optimization of a purification strategy. The growth of the microorganisms – exponential and stationary phases biochemistry. The basics of biotechnological process. Types of bioreactors: properties and application. Industrial biotechnology. Use of enzymes in biotechnology, new enzyme search and application prospect. The basics of protein engineering. Protein engineering and development of new products. Abzymes; modelling, engineering and manufacturing of antibody with catalytic activity. Nanobiotechnology. Nanoparticles. Nanotechnology based by biological objects and their uses in biotechnology. Systems and synthetic biology.

Main literature

  • G Brahmachari, Biotechnology of Microbial Enzymes, Academic Press, 2016;
  • WT Godbey, An Introduction to Biotechnology, Academic Press, 2014;
  • CA Dehlinger, Molecular Biotechnology, Jones and Barlett Learning, 2014;
  • M Wink, An Introduction to Molecular Biotechnology: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.

Assessment strategy

Assessment criteria

Seminar presentation

Duration of the seminar - 45 min. The topic of the seminar must be agreed with the coordinator. During the seminar, the issues are discussed, the latest research and achievements in the context of the chosen topic are presented. After the presentation, there is a discussion in question-answer format. Assessment:

10 points - the problem is perfectly and thoroughly analyzed, the conclusions are logical and justified;

5 points - the problem is analyzed incompletely, the conclusions are not fully substantiated, there is a lack of clarity and specificity;

0 points - the problem is not analyzed properly, there are no conclusions and justification, the essence of the problem is not properly understood.


Name, Surname






Audrius Gegeckas

assist. prof.


Approved by the Council of Doctoral School of Life Sciences Center No (4.10)600000-KT-… on the 14th of October 2021

Chairman dr. Daiva Baltriukienė

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