Course unit title |
Scientific direction Scientific code |
Faculty |
Department (s) |
Neurobiology of Sensation and Perception |
Biophysics N011 |
Life Science Centre |
Institute of Biosciences |
Mode of studies |
Number of credits |
Mode of studies |
Number of credits |
Lectures |
0 |
Consultations |
4 |
Self-studies |
6 |
Seminars |
0 |
Aims of course |
Course aims to bring knowledge on understanding the ways how the surrounding world is experienced and what the relationship between physical and subjective worlds is. |
Main topics |
Methods to investigate sensation and perception: psychophysical methods, neuroimaging and brain stimulation, behavioural methods, questionnaires, meta-analysis Main concepts of sensation and perception, signal detection theory and main psychophysical laws. Visual system: main functional characteristics (thresholds, photopic and scotopic vision, spectral sensitivity, adaptation, acuity); mechanism of perception of separate visual features (colour, form, movement, space); perception continuity of lightness, size, form; illusionary perception and reasons. Disorders. Auditory system: connection between physical (intensity, frequency, complexity) and subjective (volume, pitch, timbre) sound characteristics; mechanisms of sound source localisation in space, perception of speech and music. Disorders. Somatosensory system: touch, pain, temperature sensation and perception. Disorders. Taste and olfactory sensation and perception. Disorders. Biological and cognitive theories of time perceptions. Role of attention and memory. |
Main literature |
Book: |
Sensation and Perception. Goldstein, E. Bruce, Brockmole, James. (2009 and later editions) Scientific publications: Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, Frontiers Series, etc. |
Assessment strategy |
Assessment criteria |
Seminar |
One hour duration seminar on the selected topic; prepared based on at least 10 scientific publications; ability to synthetize, present, critically evaluate literature and to answer questions is assessed. |
Coordinator(s): Name, surname |
Scientific degree |
Pedagogical rank |
Inga Griškova-Bulanova |
Dr. |
Approved by the Council of Graduate School of Life Sceinces Center No 600000-…-… on the …. of …… 2021 |
Chairman |