
With the increasing use of quantum dots (QDs) – photoluminescent nanoparticles (NPs) in the production of computer and television screens (QLED), solar cells, and the development of QDs applications in medicine, there is also a growing likelihood that these NPs will be released into the environment in ever-increasing quantities. Mechanisms underlying different composition QDs toxicity and interaction with biosystems due to environmentally induced structural modifications are not yet fully understood. Therefore, assessing their toxicity is an environmental challenge in the development of the European Green Deal. NPs are likely to have adverse effects on living organisms due to nanotoxicity or oxidative stress, but research on mitigating these effects is limited.

Microalgae and plants are the first to come into direct contact with environmental pollution. The physiological state of autotrophs can be monitored through non-invasive fluorometric methods. This doctoral research study will not only determine the effects of different QDs on autotrophs (at the single-cell and multicellular levels) but will also aim to identify environmentally friendly mitigation strategies for these effects, such as the use of natural antioxidants. The implementation of the research will provide predictions regarding the mechanisms of QDs effects and potential risks for autotrophs as well as to develop physicochemical means to control the QDs impact on them.

Mokslinis vadovas / supervisor: dr. Agnė Kalnaitytė-Vengelienė

Kontaktai / Contacts:

El. p. / Email:

tel. / phone: +37068517469

Programme: Biophysics N 011

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