
Working memory (WM) is a crucial executive function involved in cognitive operations, such as planning, comprehension, reasoning, and problem-solving. Differences in WM capacity are linked to variations in cognitive abilities and are hypothesized to be a core component of fluid intelligence. Despite its importance, the relationship between emotions, emotion regulation, and WM remains unclear.

WM is conceptualized as a multicomponent system; however, current models do not include an affective component. Emerging studies suggest the possibility of a separate affective WM or affective subcomponents within WM. Furthermore, deficits in WM are characteristic of mood and affective disorders, yet the connection between WM and emotional factors, such as alexithymia, is poorly understood.

Research indicates that emotional context, valence, and emotion-laden material influence WM performance, although the mechanisms are not well defined. Sex/gender differences in emotional perception, expression, and regulation, influenced by sex hormones like testosterone and estrogen, add complexity to these interactions.

This doctoral project aims to investigate the links between emotional perception, emotion regulation, and WM, focusing on sex/gender differences using questionnaires and psychophysiological methods (EEG, eye tracking, pupilomery). This research is crucial for advancing our understanding of cognitive-affective dynamics, refining WM models to incorporate affective components, and informing sex/gender-sensitive interventions for cognitive and affective disorders.

Mokslinis vadovas / Supervisor: Doc., dr. // Assoc. prof. PhD Ramunė Grikšienė, Biomokslų institutas, GMC, VU / Institute of Biosciences, Life Sciences Center, Vilnius University

Kontaktai / Contacts:

El. p. / Email: ,

tel. / phone: +370 601 36903

Programme: Biophysics N 011

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