Studies of prokaryotic antiviral systems have led to the discovery of restriction-modification and CRISPR-Cas systems, whose proteins, such as restriction endonucleases and Cas nucleases, have become indispensable in DNA manipulation experiments and revolutionized genetic engineering and genome editing, respectively. Currently, about 100 different prokaryotic antiviral systems have been identified, which differ in their genetic organization, the composition of various functional domains, and the presumed mechanisms of action. Therefore, detailed studies of their functional, structural and action mechanisms are relevant in the fundamental aspect and may also determine the discovery of new areas of their application. Functional and structural studies of short prokaryotic Argonaute proteins associated with various effectors (Sir2, TIR, Mrr) will be carried out during the studies. If necessary other newly discovered prokaryotic defense systems will also be studied. Both in vitro and in vivo studies of selected defense systems will be performed during the studies. Beside biochemical characterisation, structural studies of selected proteins will be carried out using X-ray diffraction and cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) methods. Based on the obtained results, the mechanisms of the defense systems will be proposed.
Mokslinis vadovas / Supervisor: Mindaugas Zaremba
Kontaktai / Contacts:
tel. / phone: (+370-5)-2234357
Konsultantas / Consultant: Edvardas Golovinas
tel. / phone: (+370-5)-2234366
Konsultantas / Consultant: Elena Manakova
tel. / phone: (+370-5)-2234353
Programme: Biochemistry N 004