Tight interplay of different cell regulatory layers, such as DNA modification, chromatin accessibility and histone modifications, influences cell type-specific gene expression programs. Multi-omic approaches that integrate and simultaneously analyze a combination of epigenetic factors may better relate the epigenomic landscape to functional outcomes. In the project we will develop a strategy for tracking DNA demethylation and chromatin dynamics, in which we will employ covalent DNA labelling, cell barcoding and demethylation visualization in living cells. Using this technology, we will investigate cellular plasticity of cancer cells. It is known that malignant cells may facilitate tumour progression through intercellular communication. Some external and internal factors that may promote interconversions of different cell populations through cell-to-cell communication will be explored in this study. We will seek to define specific cell identities and their epigenomic characteristics that could be exploited for both diagnostic and therapeutic gain.
Mokslinis vadovas / Supervisor: dr. Edita Kriukienė
Kontaktai / Contacts:
tel. / phone: +37052234351
Programme: Biochemistry N 004