
Nomeda Kuisiene  

Phone.: +370 5 239 8213


Research Group


Research Interests: Molecular taxonomy of prokaryotes; genomic and molecular epidemiology; metagenomics; bioactive compounds; polysaccharide-degrading enzymes; collagenases; collagen-like proteins of prokaryotes
Present Position: Professor, Vilnius University
2002 - PhD in Biomedical Sciences, Vilnius University
1990 - Biology, Vilnius University
Experience (Past Positions): 2013–present - professor, Vilnius University
2008–2013 - senior researcher, associate professor, Vilnius University
2003–2008 - researcher, lecturer, Vilnius University
1998–2003 - assistant professor, Vilnius University
1998–2002 - PhD student, Vilnius University
1990–1998 - senior technician, Vilnius University
Molecular taxonomy of prokaryotes
Metabolic processes
Supervision of Doctoral Students: Raimonda Baranauskienė, Biology N010, 2011-2015
Andrius Jasilionis, Biology N010, 2011-2015
Tatjana Kirtiklienė, Biology N010, 2017-2021
Anželika Slavinska, Biology N010, 2020-2024
Kristina Tamošiūnienė, Biology N010, 2024-2028
Awards: The best lecturer of the VU LSC 2020
Publications: LABT_LMAVB
Academic Cooperation: National Public Health Surveillance Laboratory (Lithuania)
Republican Vilnius university hospital (Lithuania)
Imperial College London (UK)
Projects and Grants: 2020–2022 - EU funded postdoctoral fellowship project “Characterization of bacteriophages from extreme environments”, No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-19-0102. Head of the project.
2017–2021 - EU funded PhD fellowship project “Investigation of characteristics and transmission of the virulent strains of pathogenic microorganisms in the view of molecular epidemiology”, No. KD-17072. Head of the project.
2017–2020 - Researcher team’s project of the Research Council of Lithuania “Discovery of novel bioactive microbial compounds in the unique environment: an investigation of the diversity, prevalence and expression”, No. S-MIP-17-21. Head of the project.
2017–2019 - EU funded postdoctoral fellowship project “The search for new bacterial collagen-like proteins, their heterologous expression and characterization”, No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-02-0092. Head of the project.

Projects of The European Social Fund under the measure No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 “Development of Competences of Scientists, other Researchers and Students through Practical Research Activities”:
2019–2020 - “Investigation of polyketides and nonribosomal peptides biosynthesis gene expression in the strains of Paenibacillus isolated from the cave”, No. 09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-16-0023. Head of the project.
2019 - “Investigation of bacteriocins gene expression in the strains of Paenibacillus isolated from the cave”, No. 09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-15-0061. Head of the project.
2017–2018 - “Investigation of bioactive compounds biosynthesis gene expression in microorganisms from Krubera-Voronja Cave”, No. 09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-03-0005. Head of the project.
Other Related Activities: Committee member of bachelor's and master's degree programs in Microbiology (VU)
Committee member of PhD studies in Biology, VU
VU Expert in microbial culture collections and identification of bacteria
Member of Lithuanian Microbiological Society
Member of Lithuanian Biochemical Society
Languages: Lithuanian (native), English, Russian


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