
Vaidotas Stankevicius  

Phone: +370 683 13680



Research Group


CV for Download

Research Interests: DNA modification,
DNA methyltransferases, Chemical biology, Genome editing 
Present Position: Senior Researcher 
2016 - PhD in Natural (former Physical) sciences, Biochemistry, Vilnius University
2011 - MSc in Biochemistry, Vilnius University
2009 - BSc in Biochemistry, Vilnius University
Experience (Past Positions): 2020–present - Senior researcher, Vilnius University, Life Sciences Center, Institute of Biotechnology, Department of Biological DNA modification
2017–2020 - Researcher, Vilnius University, Life Sciences Center, Institute of Biotechnology, Department of Biological DNA modification
2016–2017 - Research assistant, Vilnius University, Life Sciences Center, Institute of Biotechnology, Department of Biological DNA modification
2011–2017 - Research assistant, National Cancer Institute, Laboratory of Molecular Biology
2011 - Senior specialist Vilnius University, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 
Awards: 2009 Reimond, Alberta and Wanda Yunkun Scholarship for outstanding academic achievements
2011 Eileen and Vincent Cadis Foundation Scholarship for outstanding academic achievements
2012 Research Council of Lithuania Doctoral scholarship for academic achievements
2013 Research Council of Lithuania Doctoral scholarship for academic achievements
2021 Lithuanian academy of sciences Young scientist scholarship 
Publications: LABT_LMAVB 

Projects and Grants:

July–August 2021 - 09.3.3.-LMT-K-712–24-0111, "Education of students' abilities to carry out R&D (art research) activities" funded by the Research Council of Lithuania. The project title "Study of mouse DNA methyltransferase Dnmt3c activity in vitro". Principal investigator.
2018–2019 - 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-10-0107, the scientific project "Education of students' abilities to carry out R&D (art research) activities" funded by the Research Council of Lithuania during the semester. The project title "Investigations of the mechanisms of action of bacterial small non-coding RNAs that confer antibiotic resistance to probiotic Lactobacillus casei bacteria". Principal investigator.
July–August 2018 - 09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-09-0093, "Education of students' abilities to carry out R&D (art research) activities" funded by the Research Council of Lithuania. The project title "Studies of bacterial small non-coding RNAs that confer resistance to antibiotics affecting the cell wall of probiotic L. casei bacteria". Principal investigator.
2017–2022 - ERC-2016-AdG/742654, European Science Council funded project for experienced researchers, "Single-cell temporal tracking of epigenetic DNA marks - Epitrack". The financing institution is EU. 2017–2020 – researcher, since 2020 - senior researcher.
2016–2018 - SEN-16081, "Permanent remodeling of the aorta and dilatative pathology of the ascending aorta: search for epigenetic biomarkers", financing institution - Research Council of Lithuania. Research associate.
2014–2016 - MIP-14139, project funded by the Research Council of Lithuania "Spatial cell culture models for tumor research". Project implementer: National Cancer Institute. Research assistant.
2013–2015 - VP1-3.1-ŠMM-10-V-02-027 EU structural funding project "Use of cell programming and tumor microenvironment management for personalized therapy in oncology LASTER". Research assistant.
2012–2014 - VPI-3.1-ŠMM-08-K-001-005 "Biotechnology and biopharmacy: fundamental and applied research", Human resources development action program project funded by EU structural funds. Research assistant.

Languages: Lithuanian, English


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