




Research Interests: Yeast biotechnology, gene engineering, molecular diagnostics tools, biotechnology education 
Present Position: Institute of Biotechnology, researcher 
2017 - PhD in Biochemistry, Vilnius University
2010 - MSc in Biochemistry, Vilnius University
2007 - BSc in Biochemistry Cum Laude, Vilnius University 
Experience (Past Positions): 2019–2021 - Postdoc researcher, Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre
2014–2018 - Research assistant, Vilnius University
2010–2014 - Research assistant, Institute of Biotechnology 
Introduction to the Molecular Biology Lab
Biology Didactics
Scientific Epriment (Didactics) 
Publications: LABT_LMAVB 
Academic Cooperation: Dr. Ingus Perkons, Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment "BIOR"
Dr. Kaia Kukk, Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Center
SerYmun Yeast GmbH, Germany 

Projects and Grants:

2019–2021 - No., "Combination of system and molecular biology approaches for discovery and characterization of plant enzymes for industrial processes". Head, PI.
2015–2018 - "Investigation of synthesis regulation of proteins associated with Alzheimer disease development". National programme “Healthy Aging”, No. SEN-05/2015. Researcher.
2016–2018 - "'Development of new diagnostic tools for hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection and studies on HEV prevalence in Lithuania", MIP-039/2015. Researcher.
2016–2019 - "Studying of human parvovirus B19, HBoV and hPARV4 involvement in inflammatory neurological diseases using interdisciplinary approach", Taiwan-Latvia-Lithuania project. Researcher.
2011–2013 - "Research of newly discovered Parvoviridea viruses and their diagnostics". Researcher.

Other Related Activities: Head of Molecular biotechnology (BSc) study programme committee
Member of Molecular biotechnology (MSc) study programme committee
Executive Committee member, vice-president of International Junior Natural Sciences Olympiad ( 
Languages: Lithuanian (native), English, Russian


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