

Phone.: +370 60388060


Research Interests: Epigenetics and biology of cancer, focusing on liquid biopsy for noninvasive diagnostics and personalized treatment purposes 
Present Position: Researcher, assistant professor, Vilnius University (VU)
Researcher, National Cancer Institute of Lithuania (NCI) 
2018 – PhD in Biology, VU
2014 – MSc in Genetics, VU
2012 – BSc in Molecular Biology, VU 
Experience (Past Positions): 2019–2020 - research assistant, NCI
2018–2020 - teaching assistant, VU
2016–2019 - biologist, NCI
2012–2018 - senior specialist, VU 
Functional cell biology 
Supervision of Doctoral Students: Consultant - Benita Buragaitė-Staponkienė 
Awards: Prof. Kazimieras Pelcaras Scholarship, National Cancer Institute, 2020.
For scientific publications in top-rated journals, National Cancer Institute and Vilnius University, 2020.
Winner of the First Berlin Chemie Award for the presentation “Predicting abiraterone acetate treatment resistance from blood-circulating androgen receptor variants in castration-resistant prostate cancer” at the 6th Baltic Meeting in conjunction with the EAU 2019 in Tallinn (Estonia).
First Berlin Chemie Award for the presentation “Blood-circulating Androgen Receptor Variants as Markers for Progression and Response to Treatment in Prostate Cancer Patients” at the 5th Baltic Meeting in conjunction with the EAU 2018 in Riga (Latvia).
Award for the best poster presentation in the medical section “Blood-circulating Androgen Receptor Variants as Markers for Progression and Response to Treatment in Prostate Cancer Patients” at the international scientific conference The COINS 2018 in Vilnius (Lithuania).
VU Life Sciences Center Scholarship for excellent scientific achievements in 2018.
Scholarships of the Research Council of Lithuania for doctoral students’ academic achievements in 2015–2018.
Winner of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences Prize for the competition of scientific works of higher education students, work “Analysis of miRNA expression in prostate tumors”, 2014.
Laureate at the 7th Young Scientists Conference "Biofuture: Perspectives of Natural and Life Sciences" in 2014.
Winner of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences Prize for the Competition of Higher Education Students, work “Implementation of quantitative methods for the methylation of RASSF1 Methylation in breast cancer”, 2012. 
Publications: LABT_LMAVB PubMed_(Kristina Stuopelytė) PubMed_(Kristina Šnipaitienė)
Academic Cooperation: Member of Lithuanian Biochemical Society; involved in COST network activity CM1406. 

Projects and Grants:

International grants and EU support:
2018 - European Social Fund under the “Development of Competences of Scientists, other Researchers and Students through Practical Research Activities”, project No 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-09-0125 “Androgen receptor variant analysis in blood of castration-resistant prostate cancer patients”.
2012–2015 - European Social Fund under National Integrated Programme Biotechnology and Biopharmacy Grant VP1-3.1-ŠMM-08-K-01-005, 2012-2015, action 111.2 “Noncoding RNA for cancer diagnostics”, researcher.
2017–2021 - European Social Fund under National Integrated Programme Smart Specialization Grant No. 01.2.2-LMT-K-718-01-0023 “Improved diagnostics and treatment of chronic periodontitis”, research assistant.

National Research Programmes and Projects:
2012–2014 - LIG-14/2014 “Development of molecular markers panel for the assessment of prostate cancer clinical significance”, implementer.
2016–2018 - SEN-09/2016 “Molecular tools for prostate cancer follow-up and treatment individualization”, implementer.
2021–2023 - P-MIP-21-232 “Blood eosinophil subtype-specific miRNAs as biomarkers and treatment targets in asthma”, implementer.

Qualification Improvement, Sertificates: August–September 2017 - research internship at the Prostate Cancer Research Center in Tampere, Finland (Prof. Tapio Visakorpi). Internship topic “Blood-circulating tumor cell analysis in prostate cancer patient samples”, no. COST-STSM-CM1406-38253.
06–19 April 2017 - practical course “Ion Torrent S5 and Chef Workflow training”.
May–July 2016 - research internship at the Prostate Cancer Research Center in Tampere, Finland (Prof. Tapio Visakorpi). Internship topic “MiRNA expression analysis in tissue and blood of prostate cancer patients and controls”, no. COST‐STSM‐CM1406‐33745.
February–April 2015 - research internship at the Institute of Occupational Health in Helsinki, Finland (Prof. Kirsti Husgafvel-Pursiainen). Internship topic “DNA methylation analysis in lung and nasopharyngeal tumor samples”, no. ESF55.
04–05 September 2012 - practical course “Viia7 Real Time PCR system and Real Time PCR applications”. 
Research Dissemination:

VU science popularization journal SPECTRUM, no. 33, Published on 2 Apr 2021, Prof. Sonata Jarmalaite and Dr Kristina Snipaitiene: "Gene scissors for COVID-19 diagnostics: the new generation tests will deliver the result in half an hour."

LRT podcast "Science without preaching", aired on 8 Apr 2021. Prof. Sonata Jarmalaite and Dr Kristina Snipaitiene: # 13 "How can Gene Scissor Technology improve COVID-19 diagnostics?"

Virtual lecture for a series of high school student lectures organized by The COINS on the cell cycle (mitosis and meiosis) and the formation of new cells (cancer).

Languages: Lithuanian, English, Russian


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