
We invite you to help the VU Museum of Zoology to reach the European level of museums!

How can this benefit you?

You will gain work experience in volunteering (min. 100 hours). and you will obtain a certificate about the skills you improved. It can be scientific skills (species identification, systematization, etc.), museum skills (analysis of scientific and historical heritage, archiving, etc.) decor-design skills (exhibition management, etc.), project development, photography, digitization ...

questionnaire on the desired nature of the activity should be completed and discussed with Dr. G.Skujiene (C133 office,  ; tel. +370861458815)

Activities would be carried out at:

VU Life Sciences Center,
Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius
Kab. C133-135

If you are looking for volunteering opportunities in other departments of Vilnius University:



Volunteer from Spain- Alba Àvila Grimalda 



Alba Àvila Grimaldos arrived at the Vilnius University Museum of Zoology on June 24, 2018. She completed her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in the Department of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychobiology at the University of Barcelona. During her master’s thesis, she conducted an interesting study at the Barcelona Zoo: “The Benefits of Game Therapy for Captive Gorillas (Gorilla gorila gorila)”.






VU Museum of Zoology was accredited as an accepting organisation for the European Voluntary Service

Vilnius university Museum of Zoology and Botanical garden were accredited as accepting organisations for the European Voluntary Service and will be able to accept volunteers. We are pleased to receive such recognition and look forward for the new challenges in volunteering services.

Spider epopee has started


Volunteers Kristina Valavičiūtė, Tomas Pocius and Gretė Vaičaitytė, led by dr. Egidijus Kazlauskas, are preparing the spiders for the exposition in the VU Zoology museum. To be continued...

VU Museum of Zoology is looking for volunteers


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