On the 18th of April at VU LSC the meeting of International Advisory Council (IAC) took place. During the meeting IAC memebers together with the management of VU LSC discussed the results of the last year as well as future perspectives.
Taina Pihlajaniemi, a Chairperson of VU LSC IAC, and all IAC members expressed their thanks to Director and to all LSC representatives for their excellent presentations.
In the opinion of IAC, VU LSC makes a huge progress and takes a leadership position in life sciences in Lithuania.
Members of IAC acknowledged the achivements of LSC: the attraction of international students, new study programms, intensive collaboration with foreign scientists, collaboration with labs from foreign countries, contacts with social partners.
The IAC members also expressed their thankfulness for taking into account the opinion they expressed during the meeting last year as well as for the recommendations that have been implemented.
With respect to further development and enhancement of international significance, the IAC wished to make recommendations on financial and admistrative management of LSC as well on development of internationalization and strengthening relationships with social partners.
Members of IAC: