On 25 February, the VU Life Sciences Centre (LSC) was visited by representatives of the University of Greifswald: Rector of the University, Prof. Katharina Riedel, Head of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Baltic Sea Region Research (IFZO), Dr. Alexander Drost, and Coordinator of the DAAD Project "Teaching Internationally", Thomas Jenssen.
The guests were welcomed by Dr Arvydas Lubys, Director of the Life Sciences Center, Prof. Eglė Lastauskienė, Advisor to the Director for International Relations, Dr Ingrida Prigodina Lukošienė, Deputy Director for Studies, and Dr Daiva Baltriukienė, Head of the Doctoral School. During the visit, the activities of the Centre, its scientific achievements, students' education and the available infrastructure were presented. This was followed by a discussion on potential student and staff exchanges, common research interests and opportunities for joint projects.
The meeting concluded with a visit to the LSC laboratories with Dr. Giedrė Tamulaitienė, Dr. Marius Dagys and Dr. Vytautas Petkevičius, where the Center's research activities were discussed in detail.
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