
The new academic year at the Vilnius University Life Sciences Center (VU LSC) has begun! We congratulate all students and faculty on this inspiring start!

VU LSC upholds a beautiful tradition of starting the academic year in the Great Auditorium, where this year’s welcome speeches were delivered by VU LSC Director Dr. Kastis Krikštopaitis, Deputy Director for Studies Dr. Ingrida Prigodina Lukošienė, faculty representative Dr. Alius Ulevičius, and student representative, VU SR LSC Chairwoman Viktorija Amankavičiūtė.

Following the ceremony, the LSC community joined the entire Vilnius University community in a festive procession along Gediminas Ave., marching from the Seimas to the University’s Central Courtyard.

In the Central Courtyard, the traditional Renovatio Studiorum ceremony took place, featuring greetings and well wishes from VU Rector Prof. Rimvydas Petrauskas, Pro-Rectors, and Senate Chairwoman Prof. Eglė Lastauskienė, as well as student representatives.

We wish everyone inspiring discoveries, creative solutions, and a successful journey in the world of science!

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Renovatio Studiorum 2024

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