
Vilmantas Pupkis has defended his thesis entitled ‘Electrophysiological investigation of macroalgae Nitellopsis obtusa membrane Ca2+ transport systems’ for the degree of Doctor of Science in Biophysics.

Scientific supervisor is Dr. Vilma Kisnierienė (Vilnius University Life Sciences Centre (VU LSC)).

Composition of the Dissertation Defense Board:

Chairperson - Prof. Dr. Saulius Šatkauskas (Vytautas Magnus University);

Prof. Dr. Aidas Alaburda (VU LSC);

Prof. Dr. Virginijus Barzda (Toronto university);

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Robertas Guzulaitis (VU LSC);

Prof. Dr. Daumantas Matulis (VU LSC).


Pupkis Vilmantas

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