For excellent scientific results, active science promotion and organisational activities in the autumn semester of 2021-2022, VU LSC has awarded one-time nominal scholarship to 6 students and 5 PhD students.
Following bachelor and master students were awarded:
Konstanty Keda (bachelor student of Molecular Biology),
Augustinas Želvys (bachelor student of Molecular Biology),
Austėja Balevičiūtė (master student of Molecular Biology),
Džiugas Jurgutis (master student of Biophysics),
Lukas Krasauskas (master student of Molecular Biotechnology),
Raminta Mineikaitė (master student of Molecular Biology).
Following PhD students were awarded:
Kamilė Mikalauskaitė (PhD student of Chemical Engineering),
Emilija Žukauskienė (PhD student of Biochemistry),
Jonas Juozapaitis (PhD student of of Biochemistry),
Monika Šimoliūnienė (PhD student of Biochemistry),
Mantas Žiaunys (PhD student of Chemical Engineering)
Congratulations, we enjoy your excellent scientific achievements and activities!