The Lithuanian Union of Young Scientists has announced the winners of the ‘Best Dissertation 2020’ competition. The winners include two former VU GMC PhD students - Kristina Šnipaitienė and Tomas Šneideris. Congratulations!
T. Šneideris' dissertation in the field of biochemistry ‘Towards Understanding Amyloid Fibril Formation and Self-replication’ (scientific supervisor - Dr Vytautas Smirnovas), and K. Šnipaitienė's (maiden name Stuopelytė) dissertation ‘Analysis of RNA in Bodily Fluids for Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Outcome Prediction’ (scientific supervisor - Prof. Dr Sonata Jarmalaitė) was ranked among the Top 10 in Lithuania and among the Top 5 in the field of natural sciences, technology, medicine, health and agriculture (NSTMHA).
This year, 71 research papers were submitted to the competition: 39 in NSTMHA and 32 in the humanities and social sciences.
This year, two rounds of expert evaluation of the submitted theses took place between 31 March and 21 October. The dissertations were evaluated by 91 (HS) and 113 (NSTMHA) experts, and the authors of the 10 best dissertations were declared the winners.
All the winners will be awarded a prize by the President of the Republic of Lithuania on 10 November at 1 PM.
The event is under the patronage of the President of the Republic of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda.